30 March.
At the session of the honorable lords director general and councilors of New Netherland, being summoned and having appeared some of the most prominent merchants of this city, namely: Sieurs Govert Loockermans, scheepen; Johannes Verbrugge, former scheepen; and Sieur Cornelis Steenwijck; they were informed and read aloud that which the highly esteemed lords directors advise in their letter dated 19 December regarding the inspection of the Virginia tobacco.
[several lines lost] for reply:
That they were unable to believe that their masters had complained about their shipments of the Virginia tobacco to the lords directors because such could not help the masters; but much rather they believed and determined that if their masters had no pleasure in their return shipments and suspected that therein deception was being committed that they would not have complained to the directors about that, but rather summoned their factor; or they would not have sent him any more cargo, of which they said that also all other masters are able to do that to their factors if they have no satisfaction in their service.
[several lines lost] furnish a profit or advantage but rather injury and expense for their masters.
No profit: because the tobacco is not improved by the inspection; for example, someone having eight hogsheads to ship out, which before embarking are inspected and marked four with V.S. or N.S., which would designate Virginia or New Netherland Poor, and four with
V.M. or N.M., which would designate Virginia or New Netherland tobacco Merchantable, which tobacco, as it could be exchanged for good tobacco or accepted for debts, would still be sent to the masters, whereby the master does not make a profit at all.
Detrimental: because the tobacco is spoiled by frequent breaking open and examining and thereafter doesn’t appear as good as when it remains tightly packed. [several lines lost]
The director general and councilors have given notice to the merchants that they should submit their complaints in writing to the director general and councilors, whereupon they requested that a written copy from the letter of the lords directors be placed in their hands as well as the drafted order, which was excused by the director general and councilors because the same was clearly read aloud to them. The aforesaid merchants also excused themselves from putting their complaints in writing, thinking (so they said) to have sufficiently demonstrated that a closer inspection would divert the tobacco trade. And they left the session. Present: the lord director general Petro Stuyvesant, the lord Nicasius de Sille, and the lords burgomasters of this city, Allard Anthony, and Poulus Leendersen vande Grift. In Fort Amsterdam in the council chamber, the 30th of March 1657.
Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New Netherland. Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809. Volume 8.