On Thursday, the 6th of May 1643
Abraham Rycken, plaintiff, vs. Michiel Pauwelsz, defendant. Plaintiff demands the first payment for the land sold to him, the defendant, by Borsjen and which was due last Easter. The defendant is ordered to make two payments next Easter, unless he give sufficient security for the payment of 200 guilders next Easter 1644 and the balance two years from now.
Hendrick Jansen, plaintiff, vs. Willem Adriaensz, cooper, defendant, for delivery of the said plaintiff's house which the defendant bought, as appears by the contract of sale. The case is put in the hands of Andries Hudden and Govert Loockmans as referees to make the parties come to an agreement.
Cornelio van[ der ] Hoykens, fiscal, plaintiff, vs. Dirck Cornelisz from Wensveen, defendant, for insolent conduct toward the sentinels before the house of the director. The defendant calls upon the gunner, Schram, and Hendrick Pietersz Kint as witnesses. It is ordered to have the depositions of the witnesses put in writing by the secretary.
Hendrick Jansen, plaintiff, vs. Burger Jorisz, defendant. First default.
On the 21st of May
Cornelio van[ der ] Hoykens, fiscal general of New Netherland, plaintiff, vs. Adriaen van[ der ] Donck, officer of Renselaerswyck, defendant, for violation of the charter of this country. Having seen the citation of the said van Donck made at the request of the said fiscal of New Netherland, personally to appear before us within six weeks after the receipt of the said citation and that the defendant after having been summoned three times has not appeared, we have therefore entered default against him and ordered that the said van Donck shall be cited again to appear personally before us within four weeks after the date hereof to defend his cause.
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