[Copy. The sheriff and members of the council humbly request of the noble, honorable general, now here present, a favorable decision on the subjoined petition:[i]
Tinnakungs, 8 May 1658 (was signed) the lord general’s obedient subjects, Gregorius van Dijck, Oloff Stive, Matijs Hanson, Pieter Rambo, Pieter Kai[ k. ]
Having received the above-mentioned petition, it is found to be a fair request. Therefore, the petitioners are hereby promised and granted that they will be sent proper instructions at the first opportunity to be of use as much as possible in the course of their administration of justice, and for the better execution of their office.
On the second point it is deemed necessary that, in order to make summons, arrests, and the carrying out of sentences, the schout and the commissaries [be supported and served by a provost, who as court messenger shall at the same time serve summons pursuant to the instruction, to be sent there by the first opportunity offering.
Upon the third it was decided and at the same time] orders were given [ to the provisional commissary, that if the commissaries ] should consider it necessary and the schout asks him to offer a helping hand, he shall aid and assist him with the honorable Company’s military.
On the fourth and last point, an order was issued previously by an edict of the director general and councilors, a copy of which will be sent to the petitioners at the first opportunity. Meanwhile it is agreed and ordered that nobody shall be allowed to leave without prior knowledge of the commissaries, but also, as is appropriate, that consent thereto should be requested and obtained from the director general and councilors in advance, signed by their secretary, as such is customary in the province of New Netherland. And if someone of the Swedish nation would leave the same, or has already left, the schout is hereby ordered and commanded to serve such persons with an order to return, and upon refusal to take legal action against them, either by arrest or by detention, as is appropriate, and at a convenient time to give a written report of the proceedings to the director general and councilors.
Finally, and lastly for now, whereas for the maintenance of the necessary arrangements mentioned before—[ that is the salaries of ] the schout, commissaries, provost martial, and other higher and lower officers [as well as for other public concerns, by and by some subsidies shall be needed—it is recommended to the schout and commissaries to think and examine where the same can be found and raised to the least burden of the Swedish nation,] our good [ and faithful subjects to whom we hereby assure and promise ] our favor [ and all possible assistance, as if they were ] our own nation, pursuant to the oath made before [ or still to be taken by ] those who may not have taken it.
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