Document: Dutch colonial council minutes, 28 -29 May 1648

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Examinations. Of Joost Teunissen Backer and Jacob Reynsen, on the above charge. [1648] (page 387-388);Order. For the arrest of Jacob Jansen Schermerhoorn, partner of Jacob Reynsen, and his brother, and to seize all their books, papers and goods. [1648] (page 388)

Document Date
1648-05-28 to 1648-05-29
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Joost Teunisz, baker, declares in court that he received one gun from the Company's corporal, on which he paid fl. 25; also purchased and received one lock from the corporal and, as the spring was broken, brought it to be repaired, but never got the lock back, Govert Loockemans having bought and received said lock from Barent. The second lock he purchased from Abraham Eycken, which lock he also took to Barent to be repaired, but never received or got it back, and that Lambert Clomp told him, the deponent, that he could not give the locks to any person but Loockemans, which said Loockemans had forbidden him. He declares further that he, the deponent, had never bought any locks, barrels, or guns from Corporal Barent except one lock, but finally acknowledges that Huybert Rogierse brought a barrel to his house, for which he paid Huybert fl. 12. This 28th of May anno 1648, in New Netherland.

Jacob Reynsen deposes in court that he never bought any gun barrels from the Company's corporal, but once purchased two gun barrels from one Claes Cramer in the month of July anno 1647, which he carried to the corporal, and that it took him three months before he could get them back from the corporal. Finally having received them, one of the barrels burst in his partner's hands up at Fort Orange while firing, when Carel van Bruggen came there. The stock belonging to said barrel Lambert Clomp made; the locks, being snaphances, were made by Abraham Eycken. [ He ] also [ declares ] that there are still two of the snaphances which they brought from Holland in the possession of his partner, up above. Jacob Reynsz declares further that neither he nor his mate ever bought any gun barrels or locks from the corporal.

Thus done in council, the 28th of May 1648, in New Amsterdam.

Jacob Reynsen being examined in court confesses that he bought five or six gun barrels from the Company's smith, but that he did not know that they were the Company 's property as Barent, the smith, said that he looked up and bought here and there old barrels, which being repaired he sold to him, Jacob Reyntjes.

Jacob Reynsen also says and acknowledges that he brought six locks with him from Holland and that he did not buy more than two locks from Barent for fl. 16, which he paid him. Jacob Reynsen also acknowledges that he purchased and received three gun barrels from Cooltjes, and that he brought with him in the ship De Princes about 70 lbs. of gun powder, which was stowed in prune barrels. Jacob Reynsen declares that he bought from Egbert van Borsum about 75 lbs. which is all the powder which he purchased here. The payment therefore he made to Abraham, the carpenter. This 29th of May 1648, in New Netherland.

In court was heard and examined Joost Teunisz, baker, at present a prisoner, who confesses voluntarily, without torture, that he brought 12 lbs. of powder from Holland and that he paid the smith fl. 25 on the gun; also that he would not meddle with powder and lead as his wife frequently spoke to him, the prisoner, against that trade. Joost 9s also asked in court where the gun is which he brought from Holland, and answers that it burst and the pieces, as he says, are lost. This 29th of May 1648, in New Amsterdam.

Having heard in court the confession of Jacob Reyntjes and the original letters which his partner wrote to him about the contraband trade in guns, powder and lead, from which truth and clearness of the case are sufficiently manifest, the director general and council have considered it necessary to send up a boat, immediately and secretly, to have Jacob Jansz Schermerhoorn, partner of Jacob Reynsen, arrested, as well as his brother, and to take good care that his books and papers be secured. All the merchandise, goods, papers and books of Schermerhoorn and his brother, shall be taken under inventory in the presence of two of the court of Rensselaerswyck and delivered to Commissary van Bruggen, which being done, the prisoners shall immediately be brought down in order to immediately proceed further against them as the case may require. This 29th of May anno 1648, in New Amsterdam.

Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the  New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809-78. Volume 4, page 387-388.


From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Scott, K., & Stryker-Rodda, K. (Ed.). New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vol. 4, Council Minutes, 1638-1649 (A. Van Laer, Trans.). Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1974.

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

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