The 14th of June 1649
Jacob Loper presents a petition dated the 14th of June, requesting permission to go the South River of New Netherland with the hired bark and the goods. And whereas the said Looper married the daughter of Cornelis Melyn, in view of the letter written by the honorable directors, dated the 27th of January 1649i the honorable director general is of opinion that the request cannot be granted, in view of the above mentioned letter.
Mr. Dincklagen is of opinion that Loper may be granted his request, provided he do nothing detrimental to the Company.
La Montagne, in view of the letter from the directors, has scruples about the matter.
Briant Nuton ditto.
Thus submitted at the meeting of the honorable director general and council inasmuch as Cornelis Melyn has caused the director and the members of the government to be summoned by mandamus to appear at 's-Graven Haage or to send a deputy on a suitable day to sustain and justify the sentence pronounced against Melyn.
The honorable director general and council having seen all the documents and papers produced by Arnoldus van Hardenbergh as plaintiff and Abraham Planck as defendant and having carefully considered and noted all the circumstances that are to be taken into consideration, they find that the goods consigned to Abraham Planck in the absence of Arnoldus van Hardenberch have been received by the said Planck, that he signed an obligation therefor, dated October 4, 1647, and made payment thereon, without having made any complaint to us about signing the said obligation and making payment thereon on account; also, that he acknowledges having signed the obligation with his own hand. Therefore, the honorable director general and the council condemn the said Abraham Planck, as they do hereby, to satisfy and pay the contents of the aforesaid obligation to Arnoldus van Hardenberch, providing that the amount paid thereon is to be deducted. Thus done in council, the 28th of June l649ยป at New Amsterdam in New Netherland.
Govert Loockemans, plaintiff, against Aryana Cuvelje, defendant. The documents produced by the parties having been examined and everything having been carefully weighed and considered, the defendant is condemned to pay a fine of six hundred guilders, to be applied as is proper. This 28th of June 1649.[1]
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