Received a petition of Mattheus de Vos and Maria Polet, his wife, in the final pleading, requesting that they may obtain consent to summon Nicolaes Boot before the director general and councilors, and that they be allowed to begin their proceedings against him for great damages, affronts, and injuries by the said Boott done to the petitioners and their son Jan Gerardij.
After deliberation it is resolved, fiat quod petitur. Dated as above.
Mattheus de Vos, in the capacity of husband and guardian of Maria Polet, plaintiff, against Nicolaes Booth, defendant, about insults and damage caused by the defendant to the plaintiff’s wife. The plaintiff, making his claim in writing, is ordered to hand a copy thereof to the parties in order to reply thereto. Dated as above.
19 August.
Monday, at the meeting in Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland. Present the honorable lord director general Petrus Stuyvesant, the honorable lords Nicasius de Sille, Pieter Tonneman, and Johan de Deckere.
Received the answer of Nicolaes Booth, defendant, against Mattheus de Vos, husband and guardian of Maria Polet, in the capacity of father of Jan Gerardij, plaintiff.
It is resolved to hand this to the parties in order to reply by the next court day, namely the 29th of this month. Dated as above.
[several lines lost] [ it is recommended to ] provide the parties [ with a copy hereof ] in order to reply for the second time by the next court day. Dated as above.
Received the second answer of Nicolaes Booth, defendant, against Mattheus de Vos, plaintiff, which, having been read, it is resolved to hand a copy of this to the parties, [ and ] if the parties don’t have anything else to bring in and renounce the further production of documents, they must properly hand in their papers and documents used for the proceedings by the next court day. Dated as above.
The documents of the lawsuit between Mattheus de Vos, plaintiff, and Nicolaes Booth, defendant, are handed to the lords Pieter Tonneman, Johan de Deckere, councilors of New Netherland, and Johannes Pietersz Verbrugge, former scheepen of this city, to hear the parties as arbitrators, and, if possible, to let them agree willingly, in case of refusal by one or the other party, to give their opinion to the director general and councilors, so that a more accurate decision be made.
Done in Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland, the 3rd of October 1658.
[several lines lost] Received [ ] that he
[ ] to Mattheus de Vos [ ] of documents, but that he [ ]
It is resolved that the parties are ordered to exchange [ their ] documents within 2 times 24 hours.
Done in Fort Amsterdam. Dated as above.
[several lines lost] [ ] Mattheus de Vos in the capacity of [ ] against Nicolaes Booth, defendant [ ] no copies of the produced documents would be given to his party because it was only a frivolous defense, etc.
It is resolved that the director general and councilors persist in their previous sentence given on the 22nd of this month. Dated as above.
Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New Netherland. Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809. Volume 8.