Document: Dutch colonial council minutes, 9-30 July 1642

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Conditiones a D. Directore Gen: Senatusq; novi Belgij D'nis Weytingh, atq; Hill Delegatis a Nobili Senatu Hartfordiensi, oblatæ. [In Smith's Hist, of New York, Alb. ed., p. 22.] [1642];Court proceedings. Richard Brudenell vs. John Celes; judgment for plaintiff and costs. (Aug. 7.) Dirck Corsen Stam vs. Tymen Jansen, for repayment of 550 guilders paid twice; defendant demands copy of papers; case continued. Philip Gerritsen vs. Johannes Winckelman, action of debt; case continued. [1642]

Document Date
1642-07-09 to 1642-07-30
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Conditiones a D. Directore Gen. Senatuys Novi Belgii, Dominis Weytingh atque Hill, Delegatis a nobili Senatu Hartfordiensi, oblatae:

Pro Agro nostro Hartfordiensi, annuo persolvent Praepotentiss. D. D. Ordinibus Foed. Provinciarum Belgicarum aut eorum Vicariis, decimara Partem Reventus Agrorum, tum Aratro, tum Ligone, aliove Cultorum Medio; Pomariis, Hortisq; Oleribus dicatis, Jugerum Hollandlum non excedentibus exceptis; aut Decimarum Loco, Pretium nobile postea constituendum, tam diu quam diu possessores ejusdem Agri futuri erunt. Actum in Arce Amstelodamensi in novo Belgio, Die Julii 9 Anno Christi 1642.


Conditions offered by the Director General and the Council of New Netherland to Messrs. Weytingh and Hill, delegates of the noble council of Hartford.

For our Hartford land, they will pay annually to the high and Mighty lords of the Federation of the Netherlands Provinces or their substitutes, one tenth of the return of the lands, whether by plowing or by tilling, or by some other means of cultivation; by orchards and by gardens; by vegetable gardens, not exceeding a Holland yoke (28,000 square feet); or in place of the tenth part, a just price to be arranged afterwards, for as long as they will be possessors of the land.

Done in Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland, this 9th day of July, the the year of Christ 1642.

On the 30th of July


Ritchert Brudnil, plaintiff, vs. Jan Celes, defendant, for slander. Case dismissed and Jan Celes condemned to pay the costs.

On Thursday, the 7th of August 1642

Dirck Corsen Stam, plaintiff, vs. Tymen Jansen, defendant. The plaintiff states that he promised at Amsterdam, according to a certain contract dated the 20th of June 1640, to pay the sum of 520 fl. with interest to Tymen Jansen, which sum he claims to have paid to Tomas Jansen Ses in Virginia, as the said Ses had a power of attorney from Tymon Jansen aforesaid to receive the aforesaid sum; also, that afterward, in the year 1641, the same sum was paid to the said Ses in tobacco by order of the commander of Kiketeyn and on his arrival in New Netherland in 1642 turned over by him to Tymen Jansen according to the receipt thereof. The plaintiff therefore demands the restitution of the aforesaid sum inasmuch as the sum has been paid once here and once in Virginia. The defendant requests a copy of the bill of complaint. The case is put over until the next court day and the defendant shall be furnished with a copy.

Philip Gerritsz, plaintiff, vs. Johannes Winckelman, defendant; plaintiff demands payment of the debt which the defendant owes. The defendant says that the summons was not properly served. It is ordered that the plaintiff shall cause the defendant to be summoned again to appear tomorrow.

Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the  New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809-78. Volume 4, page 131.

Translation Superscripts
[1]: William Smith, History of New York, (Albany 1814), p. 22.

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Scott, K., & Stryker-Rodda, K. (Ed.). New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vol. 4, Council Minutes, 1638-1649 (A. Van Laer, Trans.). Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1974.

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

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