July 14, 1644
Laurens Cornelisz, in answer to the charge of the fiscal, denies having committed adultery with Hillegont Joris and requests time until the next court day to consider whether he shall take the oath.
It is ordered and adjudged by the court that on the next court day Laurens Cornelisz shall declare under oath that he has never had any carnal conversation with Hillegont Joris. In case he takes the oath, the further complaint of the fiscal shall be dismissed, and, in case of refusal, he shall pay a fine of one hundred and fifty guilders for the benefit of the fiscal and fifty guilders for the poor.
The fiscal demands that Laurens Cornelisz shall prove what he said of the honorable director.
He shall have to prove here what he said to the prejudice of the director, on pain of such punishment as is provided by law, both as to the box and the fl. 600, giving him eight days to do so.
All that was transacted in court on the 14th of July was ordered and adjudged by Bastiaen Jansen Crol, Willem Cornelisz Oldemarckt, Jan de Fries, captain, and Hendrick van Dyck.
On July 21, 1644
Whereas we have heretofore written to Holland for reinforcements in this our war with the Indians and whereas a goodly number of soldiers has arrived now by the Blauwen Haen, the question arises:
1. Whether it would not be advisable to keep all or some of them here, or [ whether it would be best ] to send them all on.
2. If any of them remain, where the means are to be procured to keep them and to provide clothing.
3. Also, who is to be in command of the militia, in order that no confusion occur.
Done by the honorable director, Bastiaen Crol, La Montangne, the fiscal, Captain de Fries and Captain Willem [ Cornelissen ], as councilors hereto invited.
Having duly considered the first article and taken into account that we have written to the honorable directors for reinforcements from the fatherland and that by the grace of God reinforcements have unexpectedly been sent here from Curaçao and have arrived here by the Blauwen Haen; also, that we are assured that the directors have been advised from the West Indies that reinforcements have been sent hither, for which reason it is believed here that the honorable directors will not incur any expense in Holland to assist us, since there are so many soldiers here; therefore, it is finally resolved by the above named councilors for the general welfare and the best interests of the Company to keep here the company of Captain de Fries and to complete it with our former soldiers up to one hundred and fifty men and to discharge the English soldiers who still remain as civilly as possible according to their rank.
As to the second article, said friends advise to propose to the commonalty that each of them board some soldiers according to his means and circumstances, on condition that they be paid when the Company receives means in the country.
July 21
Mr. Crol, Captain Willem Cornelisen Oldemarckt and Captain de Fries, having looked over and examined the recusation presented by Laurens Cornelisz can to the best of their knowledge not find that any exception can be taken against the director and Councilor La Montangne in matters pertaining to the interests of the Company and the criminal case of the fiscal.
Resolved in court by the above named councilors that Laurens Cornelissen shall prove on the next court day what he has spoken in defamation of the honorable director, both as to the transportation of the box and the matter in which he alleges to have been defrauded, or, in default thereof, he shall suffer the penalty which according to imperial law shall be found proper.
Philip de Truy, plaintiff, vs. Antony Jansen of Sale, defendant, for damage by cattle. Plaintiff is ordered to prove that his fence was tight.
Isaac de Foreest, plaintiff, vs. Jan Detton, in a case of slander. Defendant declares that he knows nothing of the plaintiff and his wife but what is honorable and virtuous and is ordered to pay to the plaintiff within eight days fl. 5, which debt he acknowledges.
The fiscal, plaintiff, vs. Tomas Willit, defendant, for assault. Plaintiff, producing his complaint in writing, demands justice.
Ordered that the fiscal produce evidence of the assault.
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