On the l6th of July 1640
[1]Whereas the Indians dwelling in the Raretangh have heretofore shown themselves very hostile, even to the shedding of our blood, we nevertheless in the year 1634 concluded a firm peace with them, whereupon we have continued to trade with them, especially by sending every spring a sloop thither for beavers. This spring, anno 1640, it happened that they attempted to capture our sloop which had but three men on board, to kill the crew and to take the cargo, but through the grace of God this was courageously prevented, the Indians being driven again from board, with the loss only of our canoe, whereupon they came to Staten Island, shot some of the Company's hogs and plundered the house of the Negro. Wishing to obtain satisfaction therefor, we notified them to come here to indemnify us, but they only laughed at us.
And whereas this is a matter of grave consequence, as well as regards the reputation of the Lords States General, the respect and interests of the honorable Company, and the safety of our lives and cattle, it is resolved to send 50 soldiers and 20 sailors, together with the secretary and the sergeant, with orders to attack them, to cut down their corn and to make as many prisoners as they can, unless they willingly come to an agreement and make reparation. Thus done in council at Fort Amsterdam, this day, the 16th of July anno 1640.
On the 2nd of August being Thursday
Tymon Jansen, plaintiff, vs. Lourens Haen, defendant, for slander.
Lourens Haen, plaintiff, vs. Davit Provoost, defendant for slander. Cases put over until the next court day.
Pieter Andriessen, plaintiff, vs. Blancke Ael, defendant. Default.
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