Opinion of Briant Nuton, Lieutenant
Having heard on the 4th of July last in full council Cornelis Melyn, accused by Fiscal van Dyck of mutiny and opposition to justice, committed during the administration and against the person of the late honorable director general, Willem Kieft, then his lawfully appointed governor, in proof of which accusation various affidavits have been submitted and read to Melyn, who also signed with his own hand the slanderous letter which was sent to the honorable directors, not a particle of which letter has been proved up to this date, but on the contrary appears to be untrue by the declarations of various inhabitants, which constitutes falseness and calumny involving life and honor; therefore, I, Brian Nuton, am of the opinion that the aforesaid Melyn deserves to be banished forever and be declared a forger and be compelled to ask God and the court for forgiveness, leaving the fine to the discretion of the honorable general and council.
This day, the 18th of July anno 1647.
The opinion of Brian Nuton, Lieutenant
Jochim Pietersen having threatened the late director, being his lawful commander, that when he had laid down the cloak with which he was invested by the lords his masters, he should then have him, and many other things, as appears by the fiscal's accusation; also having in company with Cornelis Melyn written calumniously against the late honorable director, which involves not only honor but life, to prove which, time enough has been allowed him, but he has failed to prove the calumnies written by him and Melyn and proof to the contrary having been shown; therefore, Brian Nuton finds it to be consistent with law and conscience that the above named Jochom Pietersz be declared a forger and be banished for seven years from the jurisdiction of New Netherland and pay such fine as the council shall deem proper. This day, the 18th of July anno 1647, in New Amsterdam.
Opinion of Paulus Leendersen, commissary of naval stores, in regard to Cornelis Melyn
Cornelis Melyn deserves in his opinion to be forever banished and never more to be allowed to come within the limits of New Netherland; also, to be fined 500 guilders and to beg pardon of God and the court.
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