[ 228 ] July 20, anno 1645
Jan de Vries, plaintiff, vs. Gysbert de Leuw, ensign, defendant, in a case of slander. They are given until next Monday [ for the defendant ] to make answer in writing and parties are ordered not to molest each other.
Jan de Vries, plaintiff, vs. Jan Alleman, defendant, for having challenged the plaintiff to fight while he was lying on his bed. Defendant acknowledges the charge, wherefore he shall be put on the wooden horse and be cashiered from now on.
Jacob Reynsen, agent of Jan van Hardenbergh, merchant at Amsterdam, plaintiff, vs. Jan Evereen Bout, defendant, for payment of 114 gl., 5 st., which, it is alleged, defendant owes Hendrick Roesen, deceased. Defendant swears in court that he does not owe the late Roesen anything. Plaintiff's demand is dismissed and the defendant discharged.
Augustyn Heerman, plaintiff, vs. Symon Pos, defendant, for payment of fl. 58:3. Defendant maintains that he is not bound to pay, as plaintiff without his consent brought down defendant's case of beavers which on the voyage hither from above was considerably damaged. Defendant is ordered to prove this.
Mr. Ritchert Smit, plaintiff, vs. Jan Wilcox, defendant. Parties are willing each to choose a referee to settle their dispute.
Jacob Reynsen, as attorney for Jan van Hardenbergh, plaintiff, vs. Abraham Planck, defendant, for payment of fl. 250:10, being the balance due to said Hardenbergh for the account of Hendrick Roesen, deceased. Defendant proves by affidavit that he paid, which he has confirmed on oath. Therefore, the plaintiff's case is dismissed and the defendant discharged.
Willem Bredenbent, plaintiff, vs. Gerrit the Moff, defendant. 1st Default.
Tonis Cray, plaintiff, vs. Piter van[ der ] Linden, defendant. 2d Default.
Adriaen vander Donc having presented a certain petition requesting restitution of the beavers seized by the fiscal, an apostil is entered thereon that final judgment has been rendered and that nothing more remains to be said here. Whereupon Verdonc takes exception, giving notice that he will proceed in the case when time and opportunity permit.
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