On July 21, anno 1643
Whereas Governor La To[ ur ] has sent us seven soldiers, being the remainder of his entire force, and whereas we do not know what to do with the same and yet have to provide for them; therefore, it is resolved to take them into the service, as we intend to explore the mines and shall have need of our men, the more so as about forty soldiers have been discharged and have departed for Holland, in the expectation of peace, which as yet is not concluded.
July 27, 1645
Jan de Vries, plaintiff, vs. Gysbert de Leuw, defendant, in a case of slander. Plaintiff complains of the abusive language. Defendant presents his answer in writing. Ordered that parties shall not offend each other on pain of dismissal and forfeiture of monthly pay.
Jacob Boy, plaintiff, vs. Symon Groot, boatswain on the Prins Maurits, defendant, about the purchase of the plaintiff's house. The plaintiff proves that the purchase of the house for fl. 1100 was absolute. Defendant is ordered to accept the house according to the stipulated conditions, or to satisfy the plaintiff.
Gerrit Vastrick, attorney of Johan Boos, plaintiff, vs. Cornelis Melyn, defendant, for payment of fl. 142. Defendant promises to deliver to the plaintiff a bill of lading before his departure and to send over goods by skipper Seger to Mr. van[ der ] Voorde, in payment of Jan Boos, if he has not been paid by any draft.
Tryn van Campen, plaintiff, vs. Piter van[ der ] Linden, defendant, for payment of 5 schepels of corn. Defendant says that the corn in his hands was attached by Tomas Hal. The attachment is vacated and defendant is condemned to pay, with costs.
Ritchert Smith, plaintiff, vs. Jan Wilcocx, defendant, because defendant violated his contract in trading at Sloop's Bay. Jan Wilcocx demands release from his suretyship for fl. 400.
Whereas the case is very doubtful, Isaack Allerton and Arent Corez Stem are appointed arbitrators to reconcile the parties, if possible, or else to give us their opinion in writing.
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