The lord director general and councilors of New Netherland
The plaintiff, as protector of the law by the authority of the high magistracy, declares it to be true and truthful that Pieter Adriaensz alias Soogemackelyck, innkeeper, presently detained during two to three years of contempt and disdain of the high authority of this province, opposed the well-intended order and placards of the director general and councilors issued for the maintenance and benefit of the country’s revenues, not wanting to subject himself to the ordered wine and beer excise or the gauging of the farmer, for which he was cited by the fiscal as protector of the law and summoned to appear before the director general and councilors of New Netherland. On the first, second, and third citation he remained obstinate and recalcitrant, upon which a summons from the director general and councilors followed, which he did not obey either, to the great contempt of their authority. Whereupon arrested and detained by their commies, Jan de Decker, in Fort Orange, he, in contempt of justice, violated his arrest and fled his detention; moreover, [ ] actual contempt of the authority of the director general and councilors, he, Pieter Adriaensz and one Adriaen Jansz van Leyden, also innkeeper, together orally [ ] the supreme authority [several lines lost] Jan [ ] Our lord
[ ] Van Renselaer who
[ ] commisse, the request [ ]
We know otherwise no [ ] all of which being a matter of dire consequences, giving rise only to the abridgment of the country’s general and necessary means, as likewise at this time with the non-payment of the excise and the opposition to the gauging, amounting to 3 to 4 thousand guilders in arrears, all done in contempt and disdain of the director general and councilors, just as they, the director general and councilors, have been disdained, injured, and despised in their high authority and office by such deeds and words; but also worse and more dangerous is that it become rebellion, sedition, and mutiny practiced by others as a result, unless such opponents of the well-intentioned orders and farming of the country’s income, and disdainers of high authority and violation of justice be corrected and punished as an example to others. Therefore, the plaintiff, as protector of the law, maintains that the aforesaid Pieter Adriansz Soogemackelijck shall first, at the discretion of the judge, satisfy the demand of the farmer, and foremost as reparation and satisfaction of that which the country may have been thereby deprived, to append the sum of ƒ40,000[i] at the aforesaid discretion and concerning his disobedience, opposition, and disdain for the orders [several lines lost] to the place of justice [ ] whipped with rods and further [ ] banished from the country as an example to others.
(was signed:) Nicasius de Sille
The foregoing request having been received, after deliberation, it has been recommended as follows: To place this in the hands of the prisoner for answer thereon within two times 24 hours. Dated as above. [several lines lost]
Pieter Adriaensen alias Sooghemackkelijck
[remainder of page is blank]
Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New Netherland. Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809. Volume 8.