Whereas, we, Willem Kieft, director general, and the council of New Netherland, granted a commission to Willem Albertsen Blauvelt to go privateering from here to the West Indies or the Islands thereof against the enemies of their High Mightinesses the Lords States General of the United Netherlands and especially within the limits of the charter granted by their High Mightinesses to the General Chartered West India Company, the above named captain Blauvelt and his accompanying crew did on the 7th of May of this year with the help of God capture by force of arms the bark St. Antonio de la Havana, laden with sugar and tobacco, coming from Havana and bound for Campeche, which bark was brought to New Netherland on the 8th of July last. Therefore, after three previous proclamations between the 8th of July last. Therefore, after three previous proclamations between the 8th of July and this date, in which time no one has come forward to make any objections, we, the director and council, declare the said bark and lading a good prize, all claims which any one hereafter may set up to the said bark and lading being henceforth debarred. Thus done the 2d of August anno 1646, at New Amsterdam.
On the 6th of August anno 1646
Ambrosius Lonnen, plaintiff, vs. Jan Onderhil, defendant, for payment of 30 gl. for herding cattle. Defendant denies the debt. Ordered that Plaintiff prove his claim.
The honorable fiscal, plaintiff, vs. Jan Snediger, defendant, for having sold a gun which did not belong to him. Defendant is ordered to cause Jan Eversen to be summoned to learn from him the truth of the matter.
Haye Jansen, plaintiff, vs. Haye Jansen, that is to say, Hendrick Jansen, defendant, for freightage due him. Defendant promises to pay plaintiff in beavers as much as two referees shall judge proper. At the request of the parties Jacob Wolphersen and Oloff Stevensen are requested to inspect the beavers which are to be given in payment, to see whether the same are merchantable or not.
The 16th of August 1646
Jan Onderhil, plaintiff, vs. Isaack Allerton, defendant, alleging that the defendant before his arrival here promised the plaintiff that he, the plaintiff, would receive higher wages from the commonalty than from the Company. Defendant denies having made such promise and demands proof. Jan Onderhil promises in court that he or his heirs shall nevermore trouble or molest the defendant on account of this matter.
Jan Evance, merchant at New Haven, plaintiff, vs. Jan Wilcocx, [ defendant ]. First default.
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