On the 4th of August anno 1639
Symon Dircksen Pos, plaintiff, vs. Jacob van Curler, defendant, about delivery of a drag-net. Plaintiff's demand is denied because the drag-net was found not to be in such shape as it was represented to be when sold, as appears from the evidence submitted.
Cornelis vander Hoykens, fiscal, vs. Gregoris Pietersen, defendant, at present a prisoner. Plaintiff demands that the defendant receive corporal punishment because he has shown himself not only rebellious to the commands of the honorable director, but has sought to instigate mutiny among all the soldiers and in addition, speaking for all the others, said, "What the others say, I say also."
Having seen the complaint and conclusion of the fiscal and considering that the crime committed by the defendant tends to lead to revolt and the total ruin of a well ordered republic, we have condemned, as we hereby do condemn, the said prisoner to be brought tomorrow, being the 5th of August, to the usual place of execution and there to be shot by harquebusiers according to military law.
Andries Hudden, plaintiff, vs. Anthony Janse from Salee, defendant. Default
Gillis de Voocht, plaintiff, vs. Davit Provoost, defendant. Suit dismissed and the plaintiff ordered to be satisfied with the defendant's discretion, as he, the plaintiff, claims nothing but that the defendant be pleased to pay him according to his discretion.
[ Ordinance for the regulation of the workmen in the public service ] [1]
Whereas the honorable director and council dally observe that many of the mechanics and laborers in the Company's service do not perform their bounded duty by working, but spend much time unprofitably, yes, frequently waste whole days, all of which tends to the great injury and damage of the Company;
Every one whom it may concern is hereby notified to repair to his work when the bell rings and there to perform his duty until the bell rings again to break off, on pain of paying double the loss for the benefit of the fiscal and whoever else shall be entitled to it.
Therefore, we have appointed and do hereby appoint Gillis de Voocht to be commissary of the workmen and daily to superintend them and to continually go around and note those who are in default and report their names.
Done in Amsterdam, this 11th day of August anno 1639
Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809-78. Volume 4, page 46.