Honorable, Dear, Beloved Friends.[1]
Considering on one side the manifold favors and benefits, which God in His mercy has from time to time not only given to this budding province, but also continues to give, of which not the least proof has been the sudden and unexpected change of the feared war into an agreeable peace, granted us last year, since which time God’s favors and benefits have not been wanting either for our departure or return, for the sailing or coming in of several vessels and persons, wherein the good inhabitants of this province generally were interested, and in addition the general blessings of God in progressing, continuing and strengthening not only the state at large, but also each particular individual, which therefore ought to induce everybody to a dutiful observance and gratitude, as this is the right key to open for us the further treasures of God’s mercies, favors and blessings and taking in consideration, on the other side, the resolution and order of the chief magistrates of this Province, to be carried out and obeyed for the service and better securing of this province under God’s mercy, for which therefore God’s special blessing, help and guidance, must be asked with humble hearts and earnest prayers, the director general and councilors of this province have above all thought it necessary, to order and appoint a general day of fasting, thanksgiving, and prayer, which is to be kept everywhere within this province on next Wednesday, being the 25th day of this month of August, on which day in the fore and afternoon you are to assemble, at the usual places, where God’s word is preached, and after listening to it you are to praise and glorify the All Good God for his general and special blessings, mercies and benefits, given formerly and which He continues to give to this province and its good inhabitants, also to ask God with humble hearts, not only that he may continue them, but also (and this is the special purpose) to pray the Good God especially, that He will please to bless the intended expedition, undertaken solely for the better security and progress of this province, to make it successful for the honor of his Name and let it have the desired result, as without God and His divine blessing all undertakings, counsels and schemes are vain and to no purpose; the servants of God’s word are therefore requested to adapt their texts, prayers and thanksgivings to this purpose and all subjects professing the Reformed religion are directed to appear on the aforesaid day and time at the places, where God’s word is usually taught, and there to praise and thank the Good God for received benefits and invoke his blessing on the country and its inhabitants generally and especially on the intended expedition, as well as that He may please to take into His merciful protection the director general, the councilors and other high and low officers with their men and ships and bless their undertaking in such a manner, that all may turn out to the honor of His Holy Name, to the propagation of His Holy Gospel and the welfare of this province and its good inhabitants. In order that this shall be the better observed, the director general and council forbid all usual exercises on the aforesaid day, as plowing, sowing, mowing, fishing, hunting and all amusements, as playing at caatsen, balslaen[2] drinking, carousing and selling liquor, under the penalty of an arbitrary punishment.
This done at the meeting of the honorable director general and council, held at Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland, ady ut supra. August 16, 1655. (Signed:) P. Stuyvesant,Nicasius De Sille.
Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New Netherland. Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809. Volume 6.