Document: Dutch colonial council minutes, 30 August - 4 September 1645

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Order. To the court messenger to notify all the inhabitants to assemble in the fort when the colors are hoisted and the bell rung, to hear the proposals on which a peace is about to be concluded with the Indians, and if any one can give a good advice then to offer it freely; the court messenger reports that all the citizens on the Manhattans, "from the highest to the lowest," will attend, as they had all answered kindly, except one Hendrick Kip, a tailor. [1645] (page 232);Articles of peace concluded, in the presence of the Mohawk ambassador, in fort Amsterdam, in the open air, between the Dutch and the Indians, viz.: Oratany, chief of Achkinckeshacky; Sesekennick and William, chiefs of Tappaen and Rechgawawanck; Pacham, Pennekeck, answering for Onany and their neighbors; Mayauwetinnemin, for those of Marechkawieck, Nayeck, and their neighbors; also Aepje (the little ape), sachem of the Mohegans, for the Wappings, Wiquaeskecks, Sintsings, and Kichtawangs. [1645] (page 232);Proclamation. Ordering the sixth of September to be observed as a day of general thanksgiving throughout New Netherland, on account of the peace with the Indians. [1645] (page 233);Resolution. To explore a mine in the Raritan country; also, to raise some cannon and iron work sunk in the river, at the colonie of Achter Col, by the Indians. [1645]Court proceedings. Fiscal vs. Jan Jansen from Ilpendam, commissary at Fort Nassau, for neglect of duty; ordered that defendant have copy of the charge. [1645]

Document Date
1645-08-30 to 1645-09-04
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August 30, 1645

Whereas there is a fair promise of obtaining a firm and durable peace with the Indians, it is resolved and concluded in council in Fort Amsterdam to order Philip de Truy, the court messenger, to notify the burghers all around to come to the fort when the flag shall be hoisted and the bell rung and there to hear the terms which shall be agreed upon and, if any one should have any good advice to offer, freely to express his opinion.

Philip de Truy, court messenger, having been ordered to notify the burghers pursuant to the foregoing resolution, appears and reports that he served on all the burghers round about on the Manhatans, from the highest to the lowest, no one excepted, the order which he received from the director and council to appear in the fort and to hear the terms of peace and to be pleased to offer to the aforesaid director and council their good advice in the matter. He, the court messenger, says that all the burghers gave them their kind attention and a favorable answer, except one Hendrick Kip, tailor.

Articles of peace concluded in the presence of the Mohawks between the Dutch and the River Indians[1]

This day, being the 30th of August 1645, appeared before the director and council in Fort Amsterdam, in the presence of the entire community, the following sachems or chiefs of the Indians, as well for themselves as in the capacity of attorneys of the neighboring chiefs, to wit: Oratany, chief of Achkinckeshacky; Sesekemu and Willem, chiefs of Tappaens and Rechgawawanck, Pacham [ and ] Pennekeck having been here yesterday and empowered them to act for them, and answering further for those of Onany and their neighbors; Mayauwetinnemin, for those of Marechkawieck, Nayeck and their neighbors; as also Aepjen personally, speaking for the Wappincx, Wiquaeskeckx, Sintsings and Kichtawanghs.

1. They agree to and conclude a firm and inviolable peace with us, which they promise, as we likewise do, to maintain and nevermore to break.

2. If it happen, which God forbid, that any dispute should arise between us and them, no war shall be commenced on that account, but they shall come to our governor and we to their sachems to make complaint and if any one be killed or murdered the slayer shall be promptly brought to justice and both sides shall henceforth live together in amity.

3. They shall not be allowed to come with arms to the houses of the Christians on this island of Manhatans; neither shall we come to them with guns, without being accompanied by an Indian who can warn them.

Whereas there is still an English girl among them, whom they promised to take to the English at Stamfort, they agree to do so and, if she is not taken there, they promise to bring her here and we shall pay them the ransom promised therefor by the English.

We promise that all that is above written shall be strictly observed throughout New Netherland. Thus done in the fort, under the blue canopy of heaven, in the presence of the council of New Netherland and the entire community called together for the purpose, in the presence of the Maquas ambassadors, who were requested to assist as mediators in this peace negotiation, and of Cornelis Antonisen, their interpreter and co-mediator in this matter. Dated as above. The original was signed with the mark of Sisladego, the mark of Claes Noorman, the mark of Oratamin, the mark of Auronge, the mark of Sesekenins, the mark of Willem of Tappaen, Willem Kieft, La Montangne, the mark of Jacob Stoffelsen, Jan Onderhil, Francis Douthey, Go: Bacxter, Ritchert Smith, Gysbert Opdyc; the mark of Aepjen, sachem of the Mahikans, Jan Eversz Bout, Oloff Stevensz, Cornelio vander Hoykens; the mark of Cornelis Tonlsz. Below was written: Acknowledged before me, and was signed, Cornelis van Tienhoven, secretary.

Proclamation ordering a day of themskgiving to be observed[2]

On August 31

It is resolved in council to issue a proclamation for a day of general thanksgiving, which thanksgiving shall take place on the sixth of September next in all the Dutch and English churches within the limits of New Netherland. The proclamation reads as follows:

Whereas it has pleased Almighty God in His infinite grace and mercy, in addition to many previous blessings, to let us come to a long desired peace with the Indians, it is deemed necessary to send notice thereof to all the people of New Netherland, in order that in all the places in the aforesaid country where Dutch and English churches are open to the public God Almighty may be especially thanked, lauded and praised on Wednesday next, being the 6th of September, In the forenoon, the text to be chosen accordingly and the sermon to be applicable thereto. You will please announce the same to the congregations next Sunday, in order that they may be informed thereof; upon which we shall rely.

Resolution to explore a mine in the Raritan country[3]

Whereas we have obtained from the Indians a few samples of minerals which are considered by us to be valuable and we are informed by the Indians that the hill from which they took the aforesaid samples is situated inland near the Raretangs; Therefore, it is deemed by us to be to the best interest and advantage of the honorable West India Company to use all diligence to discover the aforesaid mine. If, upon being found, it proves to be valuable, it is resolved to take possession thereof in the name of the aforesaid Company and to build a fort there.

Furthermore, whereas behind the Col,[4] in the colony of Meyndert Meyndersen van Keeren, some ironwork and ordnance has been sunk in the river by the Indians, it is resolved to raise the same if possible and, upon being recovered, to cause the same to be brought hither to the Manhatans.

On September 4, 1645

Claes Jansen from Emden, plaintiff, vs. Willem Bredenbent, defendant. Parties are ordered to bring proof on the next court day.

Jan Schepmoes, plaintiff, vs. Tryntjen Evers, defendant. Default.

The fiscal, plaintiff, vs. Jan Jansen Ilpendam, commissary at Fort Nassau, defendant, for having neglected to perform his duties properly. Ordered that the fiscal shall deliver to the defendant a copy of his complaint.[5]

Translation Superscripts
[1]: Revised from Doc. Rel. Col. Hist. N. Y., 13:18.
[2]: Revised from Doc. Rel. Col. Hist. N. Y., 13:19.
[3]: Revised from Doc. Rel. Col. Hist. N. Y., 13:19.
[4]: Achter Col.
[5]: Revised from Doc. Rel. Col. Hist. N. Y., 12:25.

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Scott, K., & Stryker-Rodda, K. (Ed.). New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vol. 4, Council Minutes, 1638-1649 (A. Van Laer, Trans.). Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1974.

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

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