Document: Court proceedings: Actions for debt; Carel Gabry vs. George Woolsey: Mrs. Verlett vs. capt. Geurt Tyssen; Jacob van Curler vs. Brant van Slechtenhorst; Jacob Swart vs. Cornelis de Potter; Thomas Mabbs vs. William Albertsen the boor

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Court proceedings. Actions for debt. Carel Gabry vs. George Woolsey, for payment of cordage sold to governor Printz in the South river, by Augustyn Heerman, for which Isaac Allerton is security; referred to a judgment rendered 31st October (not found). Mrs. Verlett vs. capt. Geurt Tyssen, action for the delivery of 8 negroes which plaintiff purchased and were taken away in the night by defendant with some linen; ordered that the money and negroes be delivered up to the court. Jacob van Curler vs. Brant van Slechtenhorst, for payment of services in going to the colonie of Renselaerswyck at defendant's request; defendant demands copy of complaint and proof, also security for the judgment in case it be in his favor, all saving the rights of the colonie Renselaerswyck; papers ordered to be exchanged. Jacob Swart vs. Cornelis de Potter, attorney for William de Key, action for the sum of 48 beavers for building a saw mill in the Virginias; ordered to produce the contract. Thomas Mabbs vs. William Albertsen the boor, action for debt; judgment for defendant with compensation for loss of time.

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Court proceedings
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[ First several lines are lost. ]

Thomas Willet, plaintiff, against the curator of Augustyn Gabry and Allert Anthony; the plaintiff demands payment, or the cattle bought from Wm. Smit by Augustyn.

Carel Gabry, plaintiff, against Ariaen Blommaert; the plaintiff requests that he settle the account, turn over the unsold goods, and pay for his share of the ready cash and traded goods.

Paulus Leendertsen and Carel van Brugge are ordered to audit the account and submit a report on it.

Carel Gabry, plaintiff, against Joorys Wolsly; the plaintiff requests payment for rope sold by Augustyn Herman to Prince,[1] governor in the South River, for which Isaack Allerton is security together with the agent of the aforesaid Prince.

The director and council refer them to the judgment dated 31 October.[2]

Miss Verlett, plaintiff, against Captain Geurt Tyssen; the plaintiff requests the sum of f2600 [ ] eight Negroes which she purchased, and after delivery were taken back again with [ ] linen out of her house during the night. When the defendant sold the Negroes the agreement was made at the house of Hendrick Kypp for 2600 guilders to be paid within eight weeks in good current sewant. The director and council order the parties to deliver the money and the [ ] Negroes to the fort within 24 hours.

[ First several lines are lost. ]

Francoys Gysbrickx, plaintiff, against Casper Verlett; demands two Negroes and two campbeds.

Willem Pietersen, plaintiff, against Jan Peeck; defendant’s first default.

Willem Pietersen, plaintiff, against Cornelys Jansen Zeew; defendant's first default.

Henryck Gerritsen, plaintiff, against Auken Jansz; [ ] default.

Nicoolaes Boot, plaintiff, against Jan Hendricksen Coopall; the plaintiff demands, according to the obligatory note, the sum of seven beavers.

The director and council order it to be paid.

Isaack Greveraet, plaintiff, against Andries Pietersen Cuyper; [ ] .

Jacob Stoffelsen, plaintiff, against Pieter van Naerden; [ ] defaults.

Harman Smeeman, plaintiff, against Sybout Claesen; the plaintiff sold the defendant two cows for 110 guilders in current servant [ and ] 13 beavers. He has received the sewant; demands payment of the beavers.

He does not acknowledge any beavers; a delay is granted until the next session in order to audit the same.

[ First several lines are lost. ]

Jacob van Corlaer, plaintiff, against Brant van Slectenhorst the plaintiff demands compensation for lost time when he was hired as secretary in the Colony, but when arriving upriver was not [ ] . The defendant says that when he was summoned to appear [ ] his name was removed from the protocol by order of Jacob van Corlaer. In response, he first demands [ ] defendant a written claim and time to answer; secondly, proof of the requested debt [ ] ; thirdly, security for the judgment and [ ] not prejudicing the freedoms granted the Colony of Rensselaerswyck. It was signed: Brant v: Slec [ ] .

The director and council order that respective copies of the claim and response be furnished to the parties.

Jacob Swart, plaintiff, against Cornelys de Potter, representing [ Willem de Key ]; Jacob Swart demands from Cornelys de Potter, representing Willem de Kaey, payment for building a saw mill in the Virginias amounting to 48 beavers.

The director and council order that [ ] must produce [ the contract ] made between him and W. de [ ] .

Thomas Mabbs, plaintiff, against Willem Albertsen de Boer. The director and council order that Thomas Mabbs pay him sewant as much as [ ] and that he, Willem Albertsen, pay him, the plaintiff, for his lost time.

Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the  New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New Netherland. Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809. Volume 5.

Translation Superscripts
[1]: Reference to Johan Prints, governor of New Sweden on the Delaware from 1643 to 1653.
[2]: The council minutes for 1651 have been lost.

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Scott, K., & Stryker-Rodda, K. (Ed.). New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vol. 4, Council Minutes, 1638-1649 (A. Van Laer, Trans.). Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1974.

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

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