September [ 2 ]1, 1645
Mattys Gerbrantsen, plaintiff, vs. Cornelis Teunesen, defendant, for slander, for which plaintiff demands satisfaction. Defendant says that he knows nothing of the plaintiff but what is honest and honorable and that what happened was done in haste. As to the drawing of knives, parties may settle with the fiscal.
Cornelis Antonissen, plaintiff, vs. Claes Jansen Ruyter, defendant, for payment of seven beavers and fl. 98: 4:8, being the balance of an account of grain which plaintiff delivered to the defendant on his personal account and not for the patroon. Plaintiff confirms on oath that he loaned seven beaver skins to the defendant and that fl. 98: 4:8 are due to him on his own account.
The defendant shall deduct fl. 48 from the amount due to him by the plaintiff for his, the defendant's, two servants who helped the plaintiff in the harvest. Ordered also that the defendant retains his action against the colony on account of the grain.
Tonis Nyssen, plaintiff, vs. Ambrosius Lonnen, defendant, for payment of fl. 50. Plaintiff not being able to prove that fl. 50 are still due to him as heir of Jan Celes, the defendant declares on oath that he does not owe anything to Jan Celes, deceased. Therefore, the defendant is released from the plaintiff's demand.
Francis Wiecx, plaintiff, vs. Mr. Spyser, defendant, for loss of plaintiff's gun through Spyser's fault. As the plaintiff can not prove that he left the gun in the custody of the defendant, the defendant is released and the plaintiff's demand denied.
September 28
Jan Wilcocx, plaintiff, vs. Mr. Clercq, defendant, alleging that defendant fitted out a bark for privateering purposes, to capture and make prize of plaintiff's [ vessel ]. Ordered that Wilcocx shall prove his charges against Mr. Clercq next Monday, on pain of Mr. Clercq being discharged, as he is about to depart.
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