On Thursday the 23rd of October anno 1642
Cornelis Melyn, plaintiff, vs. Adriaen Pietersz, defendant. The fiscal, against the same for carrying off Melyn’s maid. It is ordered that Adriaen Pietersz shall bring here in our presence Elsjen, the plaintiff's maid, and deliver her into the hands of the said Melyn and receive her back from him, on condition that he give security for all damage and expenses which the plaintiff has incurred thereby.
Pieter Pia, plaintiff, vs. Barent Dircksen, baker, defendant, for security of fl. 26: [ 6 ]. Parties and witnesses having been heard, the defendant is condemned to pay the amount and costs.
On the 30th of October 1642
Having consulted with each other in council 'regarding the proposition of the fiscal and the consequences thereof, it is decided that it is necessary to bind the newly arriving people to the services of the Company as otherwise this country will come to ruin and the people remain in a miserable state. We trust that the honorable directors will approve of this our resolution inasmuch as the welfare of the country depends upon it and the honorable Company will suffer no damage except for the short period that the outstanding earnest money must remain idle.
Jan Jacobsz Carpenel, plaintiff, vs. Jan Jacobsz, soldier, defendant, for having borrowed a canoe. The defendant admits having borrowed the canoe in company with two Swedes. The defendant is condemned to pay for the canoe and to seek redress from the Swedes
Maurits Jansen van Broeckhuysen, plaintiff, vs. Everardus Bogardus, as guardian of the surviving children of the late Cornelis van Vorst, defendant, for the recovery of fl. 50 which the plaintiff furnished to Jan van Vorst in Holland according to the note. The defendant requests that Maurits declare that he has no private account with Jan van Vorst. Case put over to the next court day.
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