[28th of October, Monday, 1658.[i]
Petrus Stuyvesant, on behalf of their noble high mightinesses, the lords States General of the United Netherlands and the lords directors of the Chartered West India Company, director general of] New Netherland, [ Curaçao, Bonayro, Aruba and the ] dependencies thereof together with the honorable lords [ council, to all, who shall read ] or hear this read, greetings). Whereas, [ for the administration ] and promotion of the honorable Company’s and our affairs on the South River of New Netherland and the dependencies thereof, we needed a capable and experienced man to command there as commies and vice director in our absence, and to govern everything to the greatest advantage and benefit of the Company, therefore, trusting the ability, piety, and experience of Wilhelm Beeckman, former scheepen and elder of the city of Amsterdam in New Netherland, we commissioned and appointed him, as we hereby commission and appoint him our commies and vice director, to attend there in our absence to the safety of the lands, fort, military, and free men already being there or still to be sent, on behalf of the honorable Company and in our name to keep and make good order, to administer civil and military law and justice among them to the best of his knowledge, and further to do everything for the service of the aforesaid Incorporated W. I. Company concerning his office and duties according to the instructions given to him or hereafter still to be given, which a good and faithful commies and vice director is bound to do; and all this under the oath of fidelity, to be taken in our presence. Which having been done, we command, direct, and order all and everybody to whom this might concern, either Company officers or free men, especially the present provisional commies, to accept, to acknowledge, to respect, and to obey the aforesaid Willem Beeckman as our commies and vice director [ and each, as far as he is concerned, to show him all favor and give him all help and assistance in the execution of his duties, whereas we have thus considered it necessary for the service of the Company and the advancement of this province. Thus done and given at the meeting of the honorable ] director general [ and councilors of New Netherland, held at Fort ] Amsterdam, the [ 28th of October, 1658. ]
The said Willem Beeckman, by a majority of votes, is granted the same monthly wages and boarding money for his future services as the former commies Jean Paul Jacquet had [ received ] pursuant to the resolution passed on 30 July. Dated as above.
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