Document: Dutch colonial council minutes, 11-15 November 1647

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Propositions of director Stuvesant on the following points: 1. Whether the ensign or sergeant are to form part of the court on trials for military offenses? Answer, Yes. 2. What action is to be taken on a petition from Flushing, and on the report that the inhabitants of that place have never taken the oath of allegiance? Answer, The director to go thither and regulate matters. 3. What answer is to be returned to the letters from New Haven, and who is to be sent to reclaim the fugitives? Answer, To leave the question of right of soil to the authorities in Holland, and to demand the rendition of the fugitives. 4. What is to be done in case of fire, as the houses (in New Amsterdam) are mostly of wood, covered with thatch? 5. What provision is to be made for a school, as there is none in New Amsterdam, and the youth are running wild? Answer, Both these points are referred to the Nine men. 6. Who is to be sent to New Haven to collect debts and bring back the prisoners? Answer, commissary Keyser. [1647] (page 349);Letter. Director Stuyvesant to the council to expedite sundry matters, and to nominate one of their members to attend a meeting of the Nine men. [1647] (page 349);Letter. Director Stuyvesant to the Nine men, asking their advice as to the best mode of procuring means to repair the fort, to complete the church, to provide a school house and a dwelling for the schoolmaster, and to make provision in case of fire. [1647] (page 350);Sentence. Jonas Jonassen, a soldier, for robbing hen roosts and killing a pig: to ride the Wooden horse three days, from two o'clock in the afternoon until the conclusion of the parade, with a fifty pound weight tied to each foot. [1647] (page 351)

Document Date
1647-11-11 to 1647-11-15
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Proposition submitted to the Council by the Honorable Petrus Stuyvesant, Director General

Thus done in council, the 11th of November anno 1647, in New Amsterdam.

Written proposition submitted by the Honorable General to the Honorable Council

Honorable Officers and Councilors:

A painful accident prevents me from assisting this time at your honors' deliberations. Meanwhile, I would earnestly recommend to your honors to expedite the criminal proceedings against the present prisoner, as your honors shall find consistent with the merits of the case.

Secondly, in regard to the seized brandy, consisting of 17 ankers, which came from the north, not knowing from whom or for whose account, it is my opinion, if they are duly entered, that they may pass on payment of the proper duty, as is usual in the fatherland, without our having any further claim thereto, and this in conformity with the license granted them by us with your honors' advice in regard to merchandise which they voluntarily bring hither. Meanwhile, the fiscal's complaint and demand may be heard, whereupon your honors can render judgment.

Thirdly, I submit to your honors' consideration the accompanying letter from Antony de Hooges regarding the Negro sent here yesterday from Fort Orange and recommend that he may be promptly and rigorously examined.

Fourthly, if the Nine Men be convened this afternoon according to the last issued order, I recommend that some one of the council be ordered to attend their deliberations and proceedings. This 14th of November anno 1647, in New Amsterdam in New Netherland. Was signed: P. Stuyvesandt.

To the Selectmen representing the Commonalty of the Manhatans, Breuckelen, Amersfoort and Pavonia Kind Friends:

A sudden and unfortunate accident and the consequent pain prevent my presence and the verbal presentation of what I have thought necessary to communicate to you in order that you may enact what is best for the public good and of the least burden to our dear subjects and the worthy commonalty.

The first thing that concerns us is our design, if God spare our life and health, to build up and repair in the spring our fortress of New Amsterdam, in order to have a sure and safe retreat for our dear subjects ' persons and goods in case of need of defense against foreign enemies, whereto some preparation ought to be made in time. And being ordered and commanded by instructions from the honorable States General and the Company to request the commonalty to lend a helping hand in accomplishing such a worthy and highly necessary undertaking, as appears by the accompanying extract, I have thought it necessary to communicate with you as interlocutors and spokesmen for the commonalty and to ask your advice as to the means by which this may be effected at the least expense and with the least trouble to the community.

Secondly, regarding the completion and the maintenance of the church, toward which I have already advanced something and for which still more is required, how is this to be collected from the community? The best plan, in the opinion of the churchwardens, would be for one of the churchwardens, accompanied by one of the Nine Men, to go around and make a monthly collection from door to door.

Thirdly, no less needed than the preceding is the erection of a new school house and schoolmaster's dwelling for the convenience of the community and the proper education of the children. We are willing, individually and for the Company, to contribute reasonably thereto and to continue to lend a helping hand to this laudable work. In the meanwhile, we shall take steps to provide a proper place during the coming winter, either in the kitchen of the fiscal, which seems most suitable to me, or some other locality inspected by the churchwarden.

Finally, to enact a good ordinance against fires, which may occur here as in other places, and such at the least expense and loss to our good citizens. On these points you will, as representatives and spokesmen of the commonalty, be pleased to communicate your opinion and best advice to us and the council. This 14th of November anno 1647.

Below was written:

Yours and the commonalty's well-disposed and most willing servant,

Was signed: P. Stuyvesant

Below was written: Agrees with the original. Cor: van Tienhoven.

Whereas Jones Jonassen from Utrecht, a soldier, has lately dared, in company of one Gerrit Segersen, also a soldier, at present a fugitive, to steal fowls by night from the hennery of Cornelis Volckersz, bringing them by night into his quarters in the fort, where they were found the next day behind a chest; also stuck with his cutlass, as he acknowledges, flinging it at a hog on the premises of Cornelis Volckersz aforesaid, so that it died of the wound, which a soldier, who has taken the oath to their High Mightinesses, the Lords States General, his Highness of Orange, and the honorable directors of the Chartered West India Company, has no right to do, being on the contrary in duty bound to prevent all mischief and disturbances of the public peace by reason of his being in the public service; and in order that such crimes be not committed again by him, the delinquent, and others, and that the people may possess their property in peace, therefore, we, wishing, on the requisition of the fiscal, to administer justice, as we do hereby in the name of their High Mightinesses, the Lords States General of the United Netherlands, his Highness of Orange, and the honorable directors of the Chartered West India Company, have condemned the said Jonas Jonasz to ride a wooden horse for three consecutive days from two o'clock in the afternoon until the close of the parade, with a fifteen pound weight attached to each foot. Thus done in New Amsterdam, the 15th of November anno 1647. Was signed: L. van Dincklaghe, La Montangne, Brian Newton, Poulus L: van die Grift and A: Keyser.

In the margin was written: Present, the honorable Mr. Dincklagen, President, Mr. La Montangne, Brian Newton, Lieutenant Paulus Leendersz. In my presence, C: v: Tienhoven, Secretary.

Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the  New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809-78. Volume 4, page 349-351.


From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Scott, K., & Stryker-Rodda, K. (Ed.). New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vol. 4, Council Minutes, 1638-1649 (A. Van Laer, Trans.). Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1974.

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

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New Haven
A1809 Additional Party
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