Document: Dutch colonial council minutes, 13 November 1642

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Affidavits of Arent van Curler, secretary of Renselaerswyck, and others, as to offensive language alleged to have been used by Hendrick Jansen, tailor, in regard to director Kieft. [1642]

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Appeared in court at Fort Amsterdam, Arent van Curler, secretary in Renselaerswyck, who at the request of Cornelio van[ der ] Hoykens, fiscal, attests, testifies and declares that he, the deponent, on the 27th of October, being with others at the house of Burger Jorissen, heard Hendrick Jansen, the tailor, make the following statements, namely, that he, the tailor, sold to the honorable director hogs, which were sows and with which the honorable director was not well pleased; also, that he had asked the director for duffel, which was refused him unless he gave money, in which case he Hendrick would receive the duffel. Hendrick said, "If I could scrape and bow like Frenchmen and Englishmen I would have credit all right; in short, they seek to oppress the Netherlanders and foreigners are helped along," snapping his finger against his thumb, saying, "I have had enough of it." He, the deponent, upon further reflection testifies as before at the request of the fiscal that Hendrick Jansen, speaking of Director Kieft, said, "I wonder what the rascal means?" All of which the deponent declares to be true and truthful and that he knows nothing more of the matter; also, that this is done by him to give testimony to the honest truth, which every Christian is bound to do, especially when requested so to do, to no one’s benefit or injury, without any regard of persons, personal hatred or favor.

The above deposition was confirmed by oath by Arent van Curler in court, on the 13th of November 1642, at Fort Amsterdam.

Appeared in court Laurens Cornelisz, aged 31 years, who at the request of Cornelio van[ der ] Hoykens, fiscal, attests, testifies and declares, as he does hereby, that he the deponent, on the 27th of October last, at the house of Burger Jorisz, heard Hendric Jansen, tailor, say that he had sold hogs to the director which were sows, with which the director was not well pleased. He, Hendrick, said further, "I wonder if he thinks that sows are not hogs?"

The deponent being again asked in court what Hendrick Jansen said about the honorable director or what names he called him, the deponent, answering, said that Hendrick in addition to the

aforesaid statements said, "I wonder what the rascal means?" or words to that effect, but he immediately retracted his words saying "I do not mean that."

All of which the deponent declares to be true and truthful and that he knows nothing more than is hereinbefore written and that this is done by him in order to testify to the truth to no one's benefit or injury. All of which Laurens Cornelisz has confirmed on oath on the 13th of November anno 1642, before the honorable director and council of New Nether land in court at Fort Amsterdam.

Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the  New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809-78. Volume 4, page 146.


From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Scott, K., & Stryker-Rodda, K. (Ed.). New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vol. 4, Council Minutes, 1638-1649 (A. Van Laer, Trans.). Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1974.

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

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