Document: Court proceedings: Allert Anthony vs. Thomas Willet; Caspar Steinmits vs. Henry Bresier; Isaac Allerton vs. Cornelis de Potter; Cornelis de Potter vs. Isaac Allerton and George Woolsey; Jacob Claessen vs. Aeltje Dirrickx; William Be (TITLE SHORTENED)

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Court proceedings. Allert Anthony vs. Thomas Willet; ordered that William Smith appear and testify in the case. Caspar Steinmits vs. Henry Bresier, action to recover 12 guilders; defendant acknowledges that he passed his word for Mark Meggs for 12 English shillings; judgment for plaintiff for that amount. Isaac Allerton vs. Cornelis de Potter, for 350 guilders rent; defendant says he agreed for 325 guilders ($130) a year; case continued. Cornelis de Potter, attorney for his maid servant, vs. Isaac Allerton and George Woolsey; plaintiff complains of one Ralph Clark who had deceived his maid Willemeyntje, with a promise of marriage. Jacob Claessen vs. Aeltje Dirrickx; plaintiff demands of his wife (the defendant), why she remains away from, and will not live with him; ordered, to prevent all trouble, that the plaintiff remain imprisoned until the ships sail for Fatherland. William Beekman vs. Ariaen Tienhoven, for payment of 54 beavers; defendant offsets an account signed by the late director Kieft; judgment for plaintiff.

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Court proceedings
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[ First several lines are lost. ]

At the Meeting on 9 September. Present: the Lord General, La Montaigne, Newton, Fiscal Tienhoven, Jochem Pietersz, Paulus Leendertsen, Wm. Beeckman.

Allert Antony, plaintiff, against Casper Verlett; [ ] defaults.

Allert Antony and Gabry, plaintiff, against Thomas Willet.

The director and council order that the seller, Wm. Smit, shall have to appear here in order to bear witness to the truth.

Jacob van Couwenhoven, plaintiff, against Ariaen Keyser; [ ] defaults.

Casper Steynmits, plaintiff, against Herry Bresier; the plaintiff demands f12 from the defendant.

The defendant acknowledges giving his word for twelve English shillings for Marck Meggs.

The director and council condemn him to pay the twelve shillings and that he should seek compensation from his partner.

Phillip Gerrardy, plaintiff, against Laurence Cornelysse; the plaintiff demands payment of f48,9 owed him for over two years.

The defendant acknowledges the debt.

The director and council order the wife of Phillip Gerrardy to be paid in beavers

[ First several lines are lost. ]

. . . the plaintiff demands [ ] fifty guilders for house rent [ ] Allerton's house.

The defendant declares that he is only aware of agreeing to the sum of [ f325 ] yearly. The director-general, as witness, agrees that the contract was made for f325 and that the payment is to be made in silver money.

The director and council order that they shall [ ] with one another.

Cornelys de Potter, plaintiff, representing his maid servant, against Isaack Allerton and Jorys Woolsy; the plaintiff complains against a certain Ralph Clarck who had deceived his maid, Willemmeyntien, with a promise of marriage.

Cornelys de Potter, plaintiff, against Jacob van as curator for Pieter Antony. The parties are ordered to proceed in writing.

Cornelys de Potter, plaintiff, against Foppe Jansen, as curator of the aforesaid; the defendant acknowledges having transported beavers, but not for himself.

Jacob Claessen, plaintiff, against Aeltien Dirricksz; the plaintiff demands to know of his wife Aeltien Dirricksz, the reason why she will not live with him and remains away from him. The director and council having heard the parties and read the depositions, order that the plaintiff be held in confinement until the ships depart for the fatherland, in order to prevent any trouble.

Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the  New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New Netherland. Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809. Volume 5.


From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Scott, K., & Stryker-Rodda, K. (Ed.). New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vol. 4, Council Minutes, 1638-1649 (A. Van Laer, Trans.). Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1974.

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

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