[ This following letter was sent to Mr. Eaton by the Secret: Teinoh. ] [1]
To Mr. Eaton.
Worthy Sir,
Certaine reportes comeing to my eares that, some of my countriemen and otheres using to trade with natives of your partes, doe indirectlie sell unto the said natives powder, gunnes and lead, and that in particular one Govert Lockoman had done it, and withall had indeavoured to instigate the Indians there against the English, I could doe noe lesse then in discharge of my duty to God and my neighbour, but seriouslie to enquire into it, and have used my best indeavour for the findeing oute the truth, it being of soe high a concemement as to arme the Indians against the Christians, uppon all occasions, and making debate and jealousies betwixt the two nations in these partes, that have soe long and happilie lived in union in our native countries. I have therefore thought good to send our secretarie unto you aboute it, togeather with such information as I have received under the hands of Mr. Throckemorton, Mr. Willet, and Mr. Hart, and humblie entreate you, you would be pleased to use your indeavours to the magistrates of Sowthampton and other places, that the truth may be knowne in the premises, concerning the said Govert or any other that have relation unto our jurisdiction, and if proved against him or others, you shall apparrentlie finde that I will not countenance any of ours in such wayes of vnrighteousnes, but cause such examplarie punnishment to be inflicted uppon them, as shall deterre others from doeing or attempting the like in both respectds, either in indirect trading or instigating the Indians against our Christian brethren of the English nation.]
I very well know such practises & speeches by any of ours is & may be cause, (and that justlie,) of jealousies and discontents between vs, but I doe hereby protest, before God and the world, my innocencie in either respects, & doe reallie and heartilie desire a continuation, growth & encrease of neighbourlie love & correspondencie betwene us in these partes, and for the effecting of which I haue latelie written to the Governors of Boston & Plimmouth, that if they, with your selfe, will please to giue me a meeting att Conneticut att any tyme you shall appoint, this summer, I doubt but through the blessing of God wee shall give that mutuall satisfaction to one another, in every respect, that past differences may be forgot, future prevented, and a happie union betwixt our nations in these partes firmelie knit. Desiring yow will please to giue me an answer to each particular by our secret[ ary ]. I shall take my leave and rest,
Yours to my power in any office of love,
May the 28th (48) 1648
Pet. Styvesant
Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source:New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Dutch colonial administrative correspondence, 1646-1664. Series A1810-78. Volume 11, documents 8a-8b & 8c-8d, side 1.