Honoured Sir
Vppon the receipt of yours I sent our marshall to search for & apprehend all suspected strangers, [ particularlie such as you ] had described, two were brought, the one uppon certificate from Stamforde was presentlie [ cleered, the other proved to be ] James Turner an Englishman and squint eyed, him I sent by sea in a pinnace whereof [ Jeremy How, mentioned in my ] letter dated August the 28th st: vet: I desired further light with due proofe, C[ oncerning Mr. Westerhowse his trade ] for gunnes, powder, to whom both of yours and ours, he sould those 100 gunnes in 2 parcell[ s, & wheather they be come ] into the Indians hands & by what meanes, that I may Call him to an accompte for wha[ t is past and stop the waye ] of a trade soe mischeiuous for the future, I haue entreated your Secretary that the [ proofe may be the more full ] & Conuincing, because Mr. Westerhowse being questioned by the Commissioners doth denye tha[ t he brought any considerable ] number of gunnes with him, much more that he hath sould according to the importe of th[ e charge. ]
By yours of the 7th of October 1648 st: no: which vppon my retourne from Plimmouth, I recd by [ your secret., I ] perceive, that neither my letter, nor the prisoner, were delivered att the Manhataes, for which I s[ hall call Jeremy ] Howe to accompte, In the meane tyme, you may rest assured that I was as reall & Carefull in apprehending & retourning the fugitive, as I Could have bynne, had any of the English Collonies bynne interressed; concerning Gouert Lookomans trading with the Indians and Carriage towards the the English, I haue to himselfe exprest my thoughts before your secret: and shall leaue him to your Justice; If Samuell Goodenhowsen prove reallie indebted att the Manhataes and that through his defaulte, Gouert Lookoman as Suretie susteine damage, I shall without referrence to other question[ s ] afforde him iust asistance, but if it be only a question, aboute goods brought to New hauen etc. it will fall under due consideration att the meeting propownded, wch meeting the Comissioners desire to prepare and further, according to the tennour of theyre letter heere inclosed, wch they have entreated me to Convey, and from me they will expect a retourne, if therefore you please either by this messenger whom I purposelie send to attend you therein or by some other Conveyance, with your first to retoume answere to the particulars, I shall imparte the same to the ther Collonies.
[ As one that desireth by all just meanes to follow peace with all men but especiallie with a Christ: nation, both yow and mee, (though all questions be fairelie composed) may haue exercise enough with the wilde natiues, who being ouer plentifullie furnished with gunnes, powder and shott, are apt to be iniurious, but if they finde vs divided and att difference, they will growe insolent & full of provocations, but I shall not inlarge. I haue recd a testimonie of your loue & respect which with due thankefulnes I accept, and shall improue the first opportunitie to make a more reall retoume, in the meane tyme I rest, ]
[ Yours in all offices of loue, ]
[Newhauen in New Engl: this 9th of October, 1648. st: vet:]
[Vppon the opportunitie of soe safe and speedie conueiance, as by this gentelman Ensigne Baxter,[1] I thought I might spare the sending of an expresse messenger, but I still desire you will be pleased with your first conuenience to retourne me an answere to the particulars in the comissioners letter, soe I take leave, resting,]
[ Yours, T. E. ]
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