Document: Indian deed from Kickeeu-sickenam and other chiefs to Alexander Boyer, Simon Root, Peter Harmsen, David Davidsen and Cornelis Mouritsen

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Indian deed from Kickeeu-sickenam and other chiefs, to Alexander Boyer, Simon Root, Peter Harmsen, David Davidsen and Cornelis Mouritsen, of a tract of land on the South river, extending ffom Ramkokus kill to a kill on the south end of an island called Tinnekonck, and from said kill up the river unto the kill on the west side named Neeyeck, which (tract) is called Roophakesky, and four (leagues) inland, including the island of Tinnekonck, dated in the South river in the stream in front of Neeyack, on board the yacht Hollantschen tuyn, (see post, Vol. 19, p. 31).

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[ I, the undersigned ] Kickeeu-sickenom, hereby declare and certify [ ] in the presence of the undersigned witnesses, and in the presence of Hattowens and [ ] of the community there, to have transferred, transported, conveyed [ and ceded, as I do hereby transfer, transport, convey and ] cede a certain parcel of land, located on the [ South River of ] New Netherland [ ] [ said ] river, for and in consideration of certain goods, [ the receipt of which ], I acknowledge having received in my hands [ before the execution of this document ]; which land extends from the Ramkokes Kil northward along [ ] [ to ] a stream called [ Wirantapeeka, to the south end ] of an island called Tinnekonck, which land is called [ ] honsicka, and further [ from the said stream up the river to exactly ] opposite a stream on the western shore called Neeyeck which [ ] is called R[ oophahes ]ky, and inland four [ miles ] more or less as the owners think appropriate, [ including ] herein the abovenamed island Tinnekonc[ k ] lying [ within ] these limits and bounds; and that with all the action [ right and title ] belonging to me in the aforesaid capacity, to the worthy Alexander Boyer, Symen Root, Pieter Harm[ ansen, Davit Dav ]itsen, and Coornelis Mouritsen constituting and substituting the said Alexander Boyer, Symen Root, etc. in my [ place and stead ] in real and actual possession thereof; at the same time giving to them full and irrevocable power, authority and [ right ] tamguam actor et procurator in rem ac propriam, so that they the aforesaid Alexander Boyer, Symen Root, [ etc. ], and whosoever might hereafter obtain their document, may peaceably possess, inhabit, use, and hold the above named land, and dispose of and do with it as they might do with lands which they duly and by legal title have acquired, without me, the grantor, having or retaining any title or authority in the least therein either of property, authority or jurisdiction; but now and henceforth forever desisting from, ceding, surrendering, and renouncing hereby the same for the [ behoof of the ] aforesaid, promising not only this my conveyance and whatever may be done by virtue thereof for all time to hold fast, irrevocable, and [ inviolable ], but likewise to deliver and hold free the said parcel of land from all claims, [ challenges ], and encumbrances which may be made on it. Two originals with the same contents are made hereof and signed by the parties. Thus, without fraud or deceit, is this in testimony of the truth signed with our customary hands. Done at the South River of New Netherland this 9th of April of this year sixteen- hundred and forty-nine at anchor before Neejeck on the yacht Den Hollantschen Tuyn. New style.[1]

Tomes Broen
Jan Andriesen
Antony Pieterse
Johannes Markusen
Harmen Jansen
Jems Boecker
Jan Duten

Translation Superscripts
[1]: This Indian deed represents the purchase of land by the Dutch north of Fort Nassau from Ramkokes Kill to Roophahesky; for a land purchase from Roophahesky further north to Meckeckesiouw see Appendix A. This deed was not among the "Delaware Papers" but exists only in a copy made in 1740 from the Dutch records for settling the boundary dispute between Pennsylvania and Maryland (see "The Coates List," no. 12 at the PHS). The proper names have been copied exactly as they appear in the transcription; it is probable from the forms that some of the names were inaccurately transcribed.

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Gehring, C. trans./ed., New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vols. 18-19, Delaware Papers: Dutch Period, 1648-1664 (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1981).

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

Locations (Unlinked)
Ramkokus kill|Tinnekonck|Neeyeck|Roophakesky|South river
Ship Mentioned (Unlinked)
Hollantschen tuyn
Related Ancestors (Unlinked)
Kickeeu-sickenam|Alexander Boyer|Simon Root|Peter Harmsen|David Davidsen|Cornelis Mouritsen
Kickesichenom|Hattowens|Kintakosy|Schinna|Tomes Broen|Jan Andriesen|Antony Pieterse|Johannes Markusen|Harmen Jansen|Jems Boecker|Jan Duten
Document Location