Document: RESOLUTION concerning replacement of personnel and concerning Spaniards captured on Bonaire

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Resolution. Making sundry appointments in the naval service. Caspar Harmense comforter of the sick, chorister, &c, in place of Casparus Durerus, on the recommendation the rev. Johannes Cornelij, minister at the island. [1643] (2 pages)

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Resolution drawn up this 10th of August 1643 at Fort Amsterdam on Curacao.

Whereas with the departure of Jacob Thijssen Pall, former skipper on the yacht De Paroquiet, who returned to the fatherland three months ago with the salt ships and since which time his position has been vacant; however, provisionally taken care of by the pilot Jan Claessen Boll, whose diligence, trustworthiness and capability have been examined in the meantime and previously; we therefore find it of service to the Company to fill the departed skippers position with the aforesaid Jan Claessen Bol, and to allow him fourteen guilders per month for it (because his time is now expired); moreover, because he has been serving in the aforesaid position for more than three months now without any compensation.

Second, for the skipper of the sloop we have employed and hired Lucas Lourentsen with an increase of four guilders per month retroactive to the first of April, last past, because he has filled the position during this time and has shown himself to be sufficiently capable, diligent and trustworthy.

Third, whereas the departure of Casparus Durerus left the positions of comforter of the sick and prelector vacant, it was immediately requested by the predikant, D. Johannem Comely,[i] that the same be filled for his assistance with another capable and God-fearing person, not being able to accommodate his profession to the daily prelections without a noticable disruption to his sabbath service; added to this is his inexperience with music for singing the psalms. In consideration of all this, we have, with the aforesaid D. Johannis Cornelys advice at this time, provisionally ordered and appointed a certain Caspar Harmensz van Hindeloopen, who, having occupied the position since the departure of the aforesaid comforter of the sick, has suitably filled the same as we ourselves have found and [ ] on the one hand and been informed on the other by the aforesaid predikant who declares him to be worthy of confirmation and suitable compensation therein. After considering this, we have employed the aforesaid Caspar Harmensen van Hindeloopen as prelector and precentor with an increase of eight guilders per month for his service, which shall be retroactive to the first of May.

Fourth, concerning the sending away or retention of the captured Spaniards stranded on the island of Buenairo, various views were expressed pro and con: the food supply would hardly allow keeping them here; to send them away under these circumstances and such dire conditions would inform the enemy of our situation, whereupon one or another enterprise would probably follow to our and the Companys disadvantage. However, whereas no opportunity presents itself at the moment to send them away, because the yacht De Paroquiet is being repaired, and the sloop and the boat have been sent off to the upper islands of Buenairo and Isle dAves, we find it most beneficial to the Company to leave this matter unresolved until better circumstances or God may grant that in the meantime relief might be sent from the fatherland or Nieuw Nederlandt, for which we do hope. Thus done and concluded on the day and year as stated above. As witness to the truth, we have signed this with our own hands.

P. Stuyvesant
Brian Newton

Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the  New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections], Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement] Source: New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Curacao records, 1640-1665. Series A1883-78. Volume 17, document 5d, page 2 - 5e, page 1, side 2.

Translation Superscripts
[i]: Domine Johannis Comely.


Locations (Unlinked)
Fort Amsterdam on Curacao|island of Buenairo|upper islands of Buenairo and Isle Aves
Ship Mentioned (Unlinked)
De Paroquiet
To Party 1
To Party 1 Text Unlinked
Related Ancestors (Unlinked)
Jacob Thijssen Pall|Jan Claessen Boll|Lucas Lourentsen|Casparus Durerus|D. Johannem Comely|Caspar Harmensz van Hindeloopen|Spaniards|Petrus Stuyvesant|Jacob Lopper|Brian Newton
Document Location