Resolution drafted this 23rd of August 1644 at Fort Amsterdam on Curacao.
Whereas the size of the fort and the interest of the Company to garrison it properly and honorably defend it requires that no officers, soldiers and sailors be discharged before and until it is relieved with a greater number from the fatherland; therefore, in view of the length of time and the subsequent discontent which many have in their positions and with their assignments and bounden duties, we the undersigned have allowed the discharge of some servants from the Company, because as the well-known proverb states: You can hardly hunt hares with unwilling dogs. We hope that we shall be quickly provided with replacements from the fatherland by the honorable directors and by the intercession of our honorable director.
Discharged first from the officers: Quiryn van Seventer, provisional fiscal officer; Hendrick Hendricksz Braa, quartermaster; Pieter Fredrickx, cornet and Pieter Vrom, sergeant, upon their earnest request in consideration of their long service and because the three last positions can be filled by other capable persons.
From the soldiers:
Louwijs Gualterus has 83 months.
From the horsemen:
Pieter Gerritsen van Heusden, Jems Vis Gerrit,[i] Gerrit Thomssen Schuyt, Albert Janssen van Haerlem, with the expiration of their term and in order to promote others in their place; the time, need and occasion so requiring.
From the commercial personnel: Dirrck Stippel, supercargo of the remaining fluyt Den 7 Starre; Barent Lambertsen, ships steward; Michiel Marmodick and Simon Woutersz Winckel, their time having already expired and in consideration of their positions, they are expendable here; together with these: Hendrick Hendricksen van Amsterdam, seaman; Jacob Jacobsen, soldier; Abraham van Bergen, soldier; Jan Standby, the same; because of incurable illnesses and injuries received in the service of the Company, they are of no use here.
In addition we have permitted the lord director to have the secretary, Aernoudt Verellen, copy the honorable directors papers for their own justification and the satisfaction of the honorable lords-directors. In addition he also has his dismissal from the honorable lords-masters.[ii] Thus done and concluded at the place, year and day as stated above.
P. Stuyvesant
Jacob Loper
L. Rodenborch
Jan Jansen van Nimmegen
J. Scherff
Jacob Matthijsen van Rijtthooven
Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections], Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement] Source: New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Curacao records, 1640-1665. Series A1883-78. Volume 17, documents 10a - 10b, page 1, side 2.