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Minute of attendance of the chief of the Wickquaeskeck Indians to notify the council that his people had fled to Haerlem 1663-07-26 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0247 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Agreement of town of Hempstead for the tenths 1663-07-28 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0249 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Letter from Robert Treat to director Stuyvesant 1663-07-29 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0231 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Instructions to Cornelis van Ruyven, sent to the Esopus 1663-07-30 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0251 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Aegidius Luyck, rector of the Greek and Latin school in New Amsterdam, for a salary 1663-07-30 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0257 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Instructions for lieutenant Van Couwenhoven, sent to renew peace with the Wappingers 1663-08-09 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0255 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Recommendation of director Stuyvesant that Mr. Luyck be allowed the same salary as the late Latin schoolmaster 1663-08-09 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0259 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Nicolas Bayard for an increase of salary 1663-08-11 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0265 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order to unload the ship Roseboom on suspicion of having smuggled furs on board 1663-08-13 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0260 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Proposals offered by the Minesinck Indians on renewing peace with the Dutch 1663-08-15 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0261 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Answer to the proposals offered by the Minesinck Indians on renewing peace with the Dutch 1663-08-15 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0262 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of William Cornelis to be supercargo of the ship Eagle 1663-08-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0267 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of Paulus Leenderts van der Grist and Nicolas Varleth to examine the books and accounts belonging to the estate of Cornelis van Tienhoven 1663-08-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0268 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Aegidius Luyck to be confirmed in the rectorship of the Latin school with a salary, or for leave to return to Fatherland to solicit it 1663-08-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0269 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of the burgomasters of New Amsterdam praying that a salary be allowed to Mr. Luyck 1663-08-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0271 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute authorizing the burgomasters to engage Mr. Luyck at a salary on the city's account, of which the government will pay half 1663-08-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0273a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute of engagement of Mr. Luyck at a salary of 1,000 guilders a year in wampum 1663-08-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0273b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Janneken Barents, widow of Jan van der Linden, for a writ empowering her to surrender all claim to her late husband's estate 1663-08-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0275 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Goosen Gerrits to be indemnified for the loss of two horses sold by the military at the Esopus 1663-08-22 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0277 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Letter from John Talcott and John Allyne to captain Cooe of Middeburgh 1663-08-23 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0311 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Judgment against Mettie Wessels for excise duty on a hogshead of wine 1663-08-30 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0279 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute of information furnished of an intended massacre of the whites on the North river 1663-08-30 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0280a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Information furnished by Oratam, chief of the Hackingsacks, respecting the Esopus Indians 1663-08-30 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0280b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order to surveyor to lay out a valley near Bergen 1663-08-30 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0281 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Suit of Hendrick Willemsen against Hendrick Jansen 1663-09-06 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0282 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of fiscal that proceedings be instituted for the confiscation of a package of beaver 1663-09-06 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0283 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Notice posted in the village of Flushing to all parties concerned to appear and establish their right to confiscated furs 1663-09-06 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0284 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order to porters of New Amsterdam not to carry any beer or wine from any house without a permit from the farmer of the excise 1663-09-06 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0285 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Waiver of the creditors of Jannetje Barents of their claims against her 1663-09-06 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0286 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Resolution that the director-general shall proceed to Boston in order to come to some agreement respecting the boundary 1663-09-06 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0287 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Nomination of orphan master in the place of Johannis van Brugh 1663-09-07 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0291 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of Govert Loockermans as orphan master 1663-09-10 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0292a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Ordinance for the better observance of the Sabbath 1663-09-10 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0293 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Judgment against Jacob Stoffels, Ide van Vorst and other farmers for working on Sunday 1663-09-10 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0294a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Information brought by a Hackingsack Indian of the defeat of the Esopus Indians 1663-09-10 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0294b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Christina Steentgens, widow of Gabriel de Haes, for a writ empowering her to surrender all the deceased's estate 1663-09-10 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0295 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Letter from director and council to the burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam 1663-09-10 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0297 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute taxing the costs in the case of Frans Jansen van Hochten against the heirs of Wolphert Gerritsen van Couwenhoven 1663-09-10 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0298 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Letter from John Coo and Richard Panton to fiscal de Sille 1663-09-14 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0315 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Translation of letter from John Coo and Richard Panton to fiscal de Sille into Dutch 1663-09-14 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0317 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Letter from council of New Netherland to the burgomasters of New Amsterdam 1663-09-15 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0292b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Proposals of the chief of the Menissing Indians and the answer 1663-09-20 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0299 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Libel against a parcel of beavers found secreted on one of the islands called the Two Brothers 1663-09-20 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt3_0051 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Answer of the burgomasters, etc. of New Amsterdam in the matter of the application of Christina Steentgens 1663-09-21 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0301 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Letter from Nicolas Stillwell to secretary van Ruyven 1663-09-24 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0303 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Letter from secretary van Ruyven to the magistrates of Gravesend 1663-09-24 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0305 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute of the return of a military force from Gravesend with James Christie 1663-09-25 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0306 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Report of Nicolas Stillwell of an attempt made by a number of persons to seize him at Gravesend 1663-09-26 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0307 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Examination of James Christie 1663-09-26 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0309 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Resolution to transmit copies of all the papers relative to the late transactions at Gravesend to director Stuyvesant 1663-09-26 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0312 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Letter from the council to director Stuyvesant 1663-09-26 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0313 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Letter from council of New Netherland to the towns of Flushing, Middelburgh, Rustdorp, Gravesend and Hempstead 1663-09-26 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0319 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Translation of letter from council of New Netherland to the towns of Flushing, Middelburgh, Rustdorp, Gravesend and Hempstead in English 1663-09-26 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0321 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Letter from town of Gravesend to the council 1663-09-26 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0323 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Letter from council to the town of Gravesend 1663-09-27 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0325 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Adriaen Hegeman, complaining of Rem Jansen for carrying off his ploughshare 1663-10-04 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0327 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order to Rem Jansen to replace the ploughshare in the spot where he found it 1663-10-04 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0329 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Resolution of the general assembly at Hartford declaring Westchester annexed to Connecticut 1663-10-09 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0101 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Resolution appointing commissioners to inquire by what authority certain persons have attempted to bring Middelburgh under the English 1663-10-09 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0331 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of tavernkeepers of New Amsterdam for leave to charge 16 stivers for 2 quarts of beer 1663-10-09 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0333b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Resolution to raise 4,000 guilders for public purposes on the security of 4 brass cannons in fort Amsterdam 1663-10-11 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0335 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Contract to Cornelis Steenwyck to advance 12,000 guilders in wampum 1663-10-13 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0336 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Deposition of the pilot and assistant commissary of the Dutch ship The Arms of Amsterdam 1663-10-13 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0338 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Commission of Cornelis van Ruyven, Olof Stevensen van Cortland and John Laurence to proceed to Hartford and settle the boundary with Connecticut 1663-10-13 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0341 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute of proceedings of the council on intelligence that the River Indians were about to descend on the Dutch settlements at Hoboken, Ahasimus and the Manhattans 1663-10-15 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0333a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Instruction to Peter Wolfertsen van Couwenhoven to ascertain and prevent the movements of the Esopus and Wapping or Highland Indians 1663-10-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0345 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Instructions to Mr. Verbraack and Serjeant Harmen Martens van den Bosch, sent with lieutenant Couwenhoven 1663-10-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0347 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Christina Steentgens, widow of Gabriel d'Haes, for the appointment of curators over his estate 1663-10-22 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0349 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Commission of Messrs. Gold, Sherman and Campfield to hold courts at Fairfield with jurisdiction over Westchester 1663-10-25 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0099 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of schout, burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam that a meeting of delegates from the several towns be convoked to consider the state of the country 1663-10-26 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0351 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Resolution to call a meeting of the magistrates of the neighboring towns to deliberate on a meeting to consider the state of the country 1663-10-27 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0353 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Ordinance regulating the sale of beer and wine 1663-10-27 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0354 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Circular to the towns in the vicinity of New Amsterdam to send delegates to that city on 1st November 1663-10-29 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0355 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Address of delegates to the director and council 1663-11-01 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0357 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Proposals to be submitted by the delegates from New Amsterdam to the delegates of the other towns in the convention 1663-11-01 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0359 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Proposals of the delegates of New Amsterdam to the convention 1663-11-02 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0361 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Remonstrance of the convention to the directors of the West India Company at Amsterdam 1663-11-02 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0369 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Resolutions passed by the convention 1663-11-03 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0365 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the governor and council of Connecticut 1663-11-05 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0383 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Declaration of Jan van Cleef, of New Utrecht, respecting the gathering of an English force at Jamaica, L. I. 1663-11-06 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0377 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Letter from secretary Van Ruyven to the magistrates of New Utrecht 1663-11-06 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0378 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Letter from director and council to the town of Gravesend 1663-11-06 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0379 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Resolution to send an answer to the proposals recently received from Hartford 1663-11-15 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0381 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Ordinance for the better security and settlement of Bergen 1663-11-15 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0389 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Nomination of military officers for Midwout 1663-11-15 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0390a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute for permission to the Indians of Wickquaeskeck to fish near Haerlem 1663-11-15 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0390b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the governor and council of Connecticut 1663-11-15 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0387 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of magistrates for Haerlem 1663-11-17 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0391 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Cornelis Barents Slecht for a lot near the mill gate at Wiltwyck 1663-11-17 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0423 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Declaration of Gerrit Cornelis in support of the petition of Cornelis Jansen 1663-11-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0407 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Declaration of Jan Cornelis Buys forgiving Cornelis Jansen 1663-11-20 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0411 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Declaration of Jan Aertsen van der Bilt, Tys Lubbertsen, and Gerrit Lubbertsen forgiving Cornelis Jansen 1663-11-20 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0412 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Certificate of commissary Liefrinck that he accidentally omitted the entry of goods in the manifest of the ship The Faith 1663-11-20 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt3_0019 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Instructions to lieutenant Van Couwenhoven, serjt. Peter Ebel, and Harmen Douwesen to determine the disposition of the Wappinger and Esopus Indians towards a peace 1663-11-21 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0393 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Declaration of Lammertje, wife of Jan Strycker, in corroboration of the petition of Cornelis Jansen 1663-11-24 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0408 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Declaration of Baltus Barents in corroboration of the petition of Cornelis Jansen 1663-11-25 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0409 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Declaration of Jan Strycker in corroboration of the petition of Cornelis Jansen 1663-11-25 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0410 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Hendrick Jansen for an order to the magistrates of Newtown to put him in possession of property belonging to Jan de Smit 1663-11-26 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0399 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Frans Jansen van Hoochten that Elbert Elbertsen and Coert Stevensen pay him proceeds of the sale of Wolfert Gerritsen van Couwenhoven's property 1663-11-29 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0397 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order for the sale of the personal effects of cadet Peter Jansen of Gluckstadt, who was killed in the Esopus war 1663-11-29 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0401 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)