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Minute of farming of the weighhouse to Gerrit Hendricksen, with alterations in the conditions 1663-04-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0069 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Account of Rutger Joosten against the town of New Utrecht 1663-04-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0070 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Mayken to be granted her freedom 1663-04-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0071 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Suit of town of New Utrecht against James Hubbard for trespass 1663-04-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0072 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute permitting Abraham Jansen to erect a water mill in New Amsterdam 1663-04-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0073 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of burgomasters, etc., of New Amsterdam for the removal of the duties on exported liquors 1663-04-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0075 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order removing the export duty on beer manufactured in New Netherland 1663-04-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0077 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of magistrate for Haerlem 1663-04-23 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0074 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of proprietors of lands in Esopus residing at Beverwyck 1663-04-23 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0089 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Ordinance for the better and more effectual settlement of granted lands 1663-04-26 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0079 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Letter from Richard Mills to the director-general 1663-04-30 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0103 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order to the fiscal to take an inventory of all property belonging to John Tilton 1663-05-07 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0080a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the magistrates of Eastdorp (Westchester) 1663-05-09 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0080b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute rejecting an application of John Culpeper for an appeal from a judgment against him by Hatton Atkins 1663-05-10 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0081 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Jan Adriaensen van Duyvelant for an allowance in consequence of the depreciation of the currency 1663-05-10 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0083 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Warrant for sheriff Hegeman to put Adriaen, William and Marietje Willemsen Bennit in possession of a portion of their late father's lands 1663-05-10 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0085 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute directing that a present be sent to the Esopus Indians 1663-05-10 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0092 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute of appearance before the council of William Betts and Edward Waters 1663-05-12 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0093 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Letter of director Stuyvesant to the inhabitants of Westchester 1663-05-12 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0095 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petitions of Richard Mills to be released from prison 1663-05-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0141 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Ordinance prohibiting bringing Quakers or other strollers into the province of New Netherland 1663-05-17 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0105 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Warrant to the sheriff to remove John and Mary Tilton out of the province 1663-05-17 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0107 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of William Beeckman, commissary at Altona, for a grant of land there 1663-05-17 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0108 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Resignation of Laurens Sille, clerk in the secretary's office 1663-05-17 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0109 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute referring John Culpeper to the court of New Amsterdam in a matter of difference with John Atkins 1663-05-21 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0111 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of John Culpeper for an appeal from a decision of the city court 1663-05-24 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0112 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute that Anthony Jansen from Salee had inquired whether he was indebted to the company for his land near Gravesend 1663-05-24 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0113 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Ordinance authorizing the visiting and examination of vessels in certain cases 1663-05-24 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0114 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of magistrates for Westchester 1663-05-24 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0115 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute discharging John Culpeper from arrest and requiring his adversary to give security for any judgment against him in appeal 1663-05-25 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0116 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Thomas Lambertsen, George Probatskin, Wynant Pietersen and others for leave to form a hamlet in the rear of the Walebocht 1663-05-26 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0117 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Judgment in the case of Culpeper against Atkins 1663-05-26 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0119 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Action of William Maerschalk against Grietje, wife of Cornelis Steenwyck, for slander 1663-05-26 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0120 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of settlers of Schenectada, for permission to cultivate that flatt and asking that their lands be surveyed 1663-06-00 (circa) NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0137 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
List of towns to which the proclamation of fasting and prayer was transmitted 1663-06-01 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0162 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Cornelis van Gezel for the appointment of commissioners to take evidence at the Delaware 1663-06-04 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0121 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of town of Amersfoort for an aid to complete their church 1663-06-04 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0124 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Femmetje Jansen, widow of Theunis Nyssen, for removal of an attachment on her property 1663-06-07 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0123 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Resolution to rent a house to Madame Judith Verleth 1663-06-08 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0126 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Christopher Davids for permission to re-enter on land at the Esopus 1663-06-11 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0127 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Circular to the towns around New Amsterdam, notifying them of a massacre of whites at Esopus by the Indians 1663-06-12 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0129 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Resolution to make war against the Esopus Indians, and to employ the Mohawks in recovering the Christians in their hands 1663-06-17 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0131 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of commissioners to fortify Communipa 1663-06-18 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0133 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Ordinance for the better regulating the Indian trade 1663-06-18 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0135 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order on the petition of settlers of Schenectada 1663-06-18 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0138 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order releasing Richard Mills 1663-06-18 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0143b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Instructions for Johan d'Deckere, councillor, sent to Fort Orange on public affairs 1663-06-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0145 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of magistrates of Bergen requesting the appointment of Caspar Steinmets to be commander of the militia there 1663-06-21 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0149 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Ordinance for the better protection of persons frequenting the public roads 1663-06-21 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0151 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute of a visit of the director-general to Hempstead 1663-06-23 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0152 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Memorandum as to the number of families to be settled by Mr. Terrey at Matinicock 1663-06-23 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0212 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Proclamation calling for volunteers for the war against the Esopus Indians 1663-06-25 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0153 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Proclamation calling for volunteers for the war against the Esopus Indians in English 1663-06-25 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0155 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the magistrates of Middelburgh and Flushing 1663-06-25 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0157 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of Martin Cregier to be captain-lieutenant of the forces 1663-06-25 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0158 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Proclamation appointing the 4th of July, and the first Wednesday of each succeeding month, to be a day of fasting and prayer throughout the province 1663-06-26 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0159 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Proposals communicated to Oratanim, Sachem of Hackinkesacky, and Mattanou, Sachem of Nayack 1663-06-27 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0163 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Notice that the Esopus Indians are on a war expedition and warning all persons to be on their guard 1663-06-27 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0167 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of military officers for Bergen and Gemoenepa 1663-06-30 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0168 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Commission of Martin Cregier to be commander-in-chief of the forces in the absence of the director-general 1663-06-30 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0169 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Oath of Martin Cregier, captain; Peter Wolfertsen (van Couwenhoven), lieutenant, and Nicolas Stillwell, ensign, in the Esopus expedition 1663-06-30 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0170 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Instructions for Captain Cregier 1663-06-30 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0171 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Thomas Terrey for permission to enter upon land at Hempstead harbor already granted him 1663-07-00 (circa) NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0209 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of Peter Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven to be lieutenant 1663-07-01 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0175 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of Nicolas Stillwell to be ensign 1663-07-01 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0176 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Circular to several towns urging them to be watchful and to send delegates to a meeting at New Amsterdam 1663-07-02 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0177 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Letter from director and council to the burgomasters, etc., of New Amsterdam 1663-07-02 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0179 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Report of lieutenant van Couwenhoven and others of their ill success in raising volunteers in the English towns on Long Island 1663-07-03 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0181a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Declaration of Christaen Jacobsen Wolff 1663-07-03 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0181b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Nomination of burgomaster and schepen for New Amsterdam in place of Messrs. Cregier & Couwenhoven 1663-07-03 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0187 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Letter from military officers to the director and council 1663-07-04 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0191 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Contract with Jacob Jansen Flodder for the hire of his ship to the government 1663-07-05 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0183 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Inventory of articles on board the ship of Jacob Jansen Flodder 1663-07-05 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0185 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of officers for New Amsterdam 1663-07-05 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0188 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Proceedings of the delegates from New Amsterdam and the several towns thereabouts 1663-07-06 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0189 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Commission of Nicolas Stillwell to be lieutenant of an English troop 1663-07-06 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0197 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Commission of Peter Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven to be lieutenant of a troop of Indians and volunteers 1663-07-06 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0199 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Call for volunteers for the defense of New Amsterdam 1663-07-06 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0201 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order for a writ of appeal in favor of Peter Tonneman from a judgment of the court of New Amsterdam 1663-07-09 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0202 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Letter from delegates from Amesfoort, Gravesend, Midwout and Utrecht to the director and council 1663-07-10 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0193 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Letter from the town of Brooklyn 1663-07-10 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0195 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Proposals made to the Sachems of Nayack, Wieckquaeskeck, and Kicktawangh 1663-07-10 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0203 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Judgment of director and council in favor of Mr. Terrey's title to lands in Hempstead 1663-07-12 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0213 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Ordinance for the arrest of hostile Indians 1663-07-12 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0215 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Anna, widow of Peter Kock, that an inventory be taken of the property of John de Smet 1663-07-12 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0217 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Letter from Edward Fisher, town clerk, to the director-general 1663-07-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0219a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Ordinance against removing crops from the field before the tithes are paid 1663-07-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0220 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Ordinance empowering inferior courts to make laws for the prevention of the sale of spirituous liquors to Indians 1663-07-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0223 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Judgment in the case of Timothy Gabry against Jan Jansen Verryn 1663-07-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0225 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Agreement of town of Middelburgh for the tenths 1663-07-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0227 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute of acceptance of an offer by the Indians of the East and of Long Island to march against those of Esopus 1663-07-20 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0228a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Proposal of the chief of the Hackengsack Indians to sell a portion of their land behind the Kill van Kol 1663-07-20 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0228b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute to increase of pay to Dirck Looten, commissary 1663-07-20 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0230 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Concessions to be granted to those interested in the settlement behind the Kill van Kol 1663-07-20 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0233 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Letter from director Stuyvesant to Mr. Treat 1663-07-20 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0237 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Jan Adriaensen van Duyvelant to be continued in office as bookkeeper 1663-07-23 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0239 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Suit of Cornelis van Gezel against Evert Peters 1663-07-23 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0241 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Joannes Withart for the return of a quantity of musket balls seized by the government 1663-07-23 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0243 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Proclamation inviting absent debtors to return to the province and promising a stay of proceedings against them for two years 1663-07-24 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0245 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute of attendance of the chief of the Wickquaeskeck Indians to notify the council that his people had fled to Haerlem 1663-07-26 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt2_0247 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)