Minutes|Case|Joannes Verveelen v. Tielman van Vleeck: default |
1663-01-30 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_092 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Cornelis Hooghboom v. Paulus van de Beeck: demand for payment of debt for brick and carting: Albert Jansen van Heemst as witness questioned |
1663-01-30 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_093 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Note |Arrival of Cornelis van Ruijven: secretary of Director General and Council: as commissioner for the election of Burgomasters and Schepenen |
1663-02-01 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_094 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Letter |Burgomasters and Schepenen to Director General and Council: submitting the nomination for the incoming magistrates |
1663-02-01 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_095 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Note |Arrival of Joannes de Decker: councillor: as commissioner for the appointment of Burgomasters and Schepenen |
1663-02-02 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_096 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Schout Pieter Tonneman v. Geertje Teunis: surety of Dirck Janssen scheepstimmerman: demand for payment of balance of debt: delay requested: ordered to pay |
1663-02-13 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_097 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Willem Hatkes v. Samuel Leeck: demand for permission to remove freighted goods and payment of debt for monthly wages on a ship: disputed: mixed judgment |
1663-02-13 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_098 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Joannes Verveelen v. Tielman van Vleeck: absent: demand for denial of claimed exception and payment of debt according to account: excused on account of weather: copy ordered |
1663-02-13 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_099 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Gijsbert Opdijck v. Paulus Heimans: default |
1663-02-13 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_100 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Request |Joannes Withart for the arrest on monies of Paulus Heimans in the hands of Joannes Nevius to be declared valid: granted |
1663-02-13 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_101 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Request |Request by Merritje Abrahams: widow of Tomas Janssen Mingael: and Abraham Pietersen: her father: for the insolvent estate to be managed: curators appointed |
1663-02-14 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_102 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Order |Request of Elisabeth Janzen: wife of Denijs Isaacksen: for the action of the schout against her husband for wounding Pieter Janssen metselaar to be rescinded and for permission to her husband to return unmolested: granted: |
1663-02-15 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_103 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Request |Jan Joosten: also on behalf of Lucas Andriessen: to be allowed to resume ownership of the yacht Gelderse Blom: sold to Tomas Jansen Mingael: granted |
1663-02-23 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_104 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Order |Curators of the estate of Tomas Jansen Mingael to allow the return of the yacht to Jan Joosten and Lucas Andriessen and to postpone the sale of Mingaels goods by six weeks |
1663-02-23 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_105 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Ordinance |Renovation of the ordinance on fines for absence from the bench |
1663-02-27 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_106 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Order |Joris Dopzen to keep a better house and avoid being complained about |
1663-02-27 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_107 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Tomas Hal v. Frerijck Flipzen: demand for payment of debt according to decision of arbitrators: disputed: oath offered: decision of arbitrators upheld |
1663-02-27 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_108 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Joannes Vervelen v. Hendrick Janzen van der Vin: demand for payment of debt according to obligation and judgment: postponed |
1663-02-27 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_109 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Request |Joannes Withart and Jacobus Vis for execution of the judgment of 16 January 1663 against Jan Rutgersen: granted |
1663-02-27 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_110 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Fiscaal Nicasius de Sille v. Tames Davidts: request for inspection of a wagon made by Hendrick Janssen ramaacker: granted |
1663-03-06 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_111 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Joannes van Brugh v. Mattheus de Vos: demand for payment of debt of sale of a ketch: auctioned by execution on 3 April 1659: delay requested: ordered to pay |
1663-03-06 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_112 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Joannes Withart v. Anneken La Chair: demand for payment of debt for brewed beer: disputed: proof required |
1663-03-06 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_113 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Burger Jorizen v. Jan Hackens: demand for restitution of a pike pole: made for Tomas Janssen Mingael: inventory of yacht produced: ownership disputed: previous owners ordered to pay |
1663-03-06 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_114 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Tomas Sandersen v. Reinier Willemsen backer: accusation of slander: denied: both ordered to hold their peace |
1663-03-06 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_115 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Notice |Frerijck Flipzen that the suit of Pieter Pietersen Harder with Pieter Rudolfus is settled: papers to be copied and sent to South River |
1663-03-06 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_116 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Joannes Verveelen v. Hendrick Janssen van der Vin: judgment of 4 October 1661 against Van der Vin: account submitted to arbitrators: no reconciliation: order to V an der Vin to pay promptly: deductions granted |
1663-03-06 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_117 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Hendrick Willemzen backer v. Hendrick Janzen smitt: demand for compensation for damage due to bad drainage: disputed: inspection ordered |
1663-03-13 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_118 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Lijsbet Pieters v. Gijsbert Teunisen: demand for payment of debt according to obligation: disputed and arbitrators requested: new judgment required |
1663-03-13 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_119 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Request |Eghbert Benninck: son-in-law of Claas Janssen Ruijter: for a stay in the proceedings regarding the estate of Ruijter: which may be insolvent: granted |
1663-03-13 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_120 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Schout Pieter Tonneman v. Leentje Dircks Servaas: demand for payment of debt: acknowledged: promise to pay: condemned to pay: arrest valid |
1663-03-20 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_122 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Joannes Withart v. Leentje Dircks Servaas: demand for payment of debt according to obligation and account: acknowledged: arrest valid: ordered to pay |
1663-03-20 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_123 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Request |Bartelott for the arrest on his canoe by Jan Rutgersen to be lifted: as the case is pending before the Court of Bergen: arrest invalid |
1663-03-20 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_124 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Proceeding|Request of the bakers to raise the price of bread: new prices set and to be published |
1663-03-23 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_125 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Schout Pieter Tonneman v. Huijbert Verschie: demand for a fine for striking the cooper of the ship Purmelantse Kerck: denied: proof required |
1663-04-03 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_126 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Daniel de Haart v. Nathaniel Bats: demand for surety for payment for delivered goods: acknowledged: ordered to pay: arrest valid |
1663-04-03 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_127 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Stoffel van Laar v. Barbara Flipzen: default: arrest valid |
1663-04-03 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_128 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Request |Asser Levij for the arrest of rent of Cornelis Pluijvier in the hands of the widow of David Provoost to be declared valid: Pluijvier to be summoned |
1663-04-03 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_129 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Hermanus van Borsum v. Joost Carelzen and Jan Hendrickzen Steelman: postponed |
1663-04-10 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_130 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Alexander Stultke v. Pieter Ebel: demand for return of goods: counter-claim: referred to arbitrators |
1663-04-10 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_131 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Lucas Dirckzen v. Pieter Janzen metselaar: request for arrest on monies of Janzen in hands of Denijs Hartooghvelt to be declared valid: willing to pay: minus deduction: arrest valid: deposit ordered |
1663-04-17 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_132 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Joannes Withart and Jacobus Vis v. Paulus Heimans: default |
1663-04-17 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_133 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Schout Pieter Tonneman v. Huijbert Verschie: default: demand for deposit: defendant ordered to produce proof |
1663-04-24 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_134 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Weintje Teunis v. Wessel Eversen: default: demand for delivery of boat: deposit ordered |
1663-04-24 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_135 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Hetkan Atkezen v. Jan Kulpeper: demand for delivery of tobacco and hides in the hands of Jacques Cousseau: power of attorney disputed: ordered to proceed in writing in Dutch: arrest valid |
1663-04-24 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_136 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Affidavit|Request of the carriers of the weigh house for a raise: denied |
1663-04-24 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_137 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Aatton Atkins: attorney of Mr. Foort: v. Jan Kulpeper: demand for immediate delivery of tobacco and hides: power of attorney disputed and counter-claim: disputed: order to defendant to deliver |
1663-04-26 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_138 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Schout Pieter Tonneman v. Joannes Hooft: demand for confinement or fine for theft of sewant and fighting: denied: provisional confinement: proof required |
1663-05-01 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_139 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Claas Gangelofzen Visser v. Pieter Janzen metselaar: default: demand for payment of debt according to judgment of 2 November 1660: arrest of monies in the hands of Denijs Isaacksen valid |
1663-05-01 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_140 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Adriaan Vincent v. Jan Rutgersen: default |
1663-05-01 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_141 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Proceeding|Trials of Jasper Abrahamzen van Amsterdam and Hendrick Janzen van Atrendurp |
1663-05-04 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_142 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Sentence |Jasper Abramzen: sailmaker of the Purmerlantse Kerck: for rioting and violence committed with Hendrick Janzen van Atrendurp at the house of Rendel Huit: wounding Carel van Brugge: to be whipped: a hole made in his cheek: and banished |
1663-05-04 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_143 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Sentence |Hendrick Janzen van Atrendurp for rioting and violence committed with Jasper Abramzen: sailmaker of the Purmerlantse Kerck: at the house of Rendel Huit: wounding Carel van Brugge: to be whipped and banished |
1663-05-04 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_145 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Note |Execution of the sentences against Jasper Abramzen: sailmaker of the Purmerlantse Kerck: and Hendrick Janzen van Atrendurp |
1663-05-05 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_147 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Schout Pieter Tonneman v. the wife of Jan Schrijver: demand for declaration under oath as to lost or missing sewant: oath refused: testimony produced: commissioners for further investigation appointed |
1663-05-08 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_148 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Mighiel Tades v. Isaack Greveraat: demand for the fulfillment of a contract for sale of a house: house to be moved to the lot of Jan Gerrisen van Buijtenhuijsen: proof produced: contested: oath demanded: oath taken: plaintiff to retain house |
1663-05-08 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_149 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Adriaan Vincent v. Rutgert Janzen: default |
1663-05-08 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_150 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Schout Pieter Tonneman v. Joannes Withart: default |
1663-05-08 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_151 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Weintje Teunis v. the wife of Wessel Eversen: decision of arbitrators regarding canoe exhibited: counter-claim: again referred to arbitrators |
1663-05-08 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_152 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Affidavit|Request of Gijsbert Opdijck for execution of the judgment of 13 March 1663 against Paulus Heimans: granted |
1663-05-17 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_154 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Pieter Aldrickx v. Cornelis Steenwijck: demand for payment of half of the goods salvaged from the bark Conninck Carel: skipper Herrij Potifar: disputed |
1663-05-17 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_153 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Schout Pieter Tonneman v. Jan Smedingh: demand for fine or confinement for theft of bricks: denied: fined |
1663-05-22 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_155 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Tijmotheus Gabrij v. Pieter Aldrickx: default: arrest allowed |
1663-05-22 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_156 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Claas Gangelozen Visser v. Pieter Janzen metselaar: default: demand for payment of debt: arrest on monies in the hands of Denijs Isaacksen: deposit ordered |
1663-05-22 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_157 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Jacob Janzen Sam v. Walewijn van der Veen: default: demand for payment according to judgment of 5 September 1662: defendant to be notified |
1663-05-22 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_158 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Order |Request of John Culpeper for the verification of an act of surety of Joannes de Peister on Hatten Atkins: act of surety verified |
1663-05-22 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_159 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Interrogation|Jan Arenzen as to the money and beavers found in his chest: matter referred to consistory: confinement lifted |
1663-05-22 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_160 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Notice |Director General and Council of the appeal of Jan Culpepper of the judgment of 22 May 1663 in his suit with Hatton Atkins |
1663-05-24 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_161 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Declaration |Petrus Stuijvesant regarding Lodowijck de Roij and his suit against the curators of the estate of Six van der Stighelen |
1663-05-29 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_162 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Willem de Marschalck v. Grietje Steenwijcks: demand for reparation of honor resulting from an allegation of indecent proposals: proof required |
1663-05-29 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_163 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Tijmotheus Gabrij v. Pieter Aldricks: demand for payment from tobacco of Gerrit van Sweringen: ownership disputed: arrest declared not valid: demand dismissed |
1663-05-29 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_164 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|The wife of Stoffel van Laar v. Eghbert Meindersen: demand for payment of debt according to judgment of 8 May 1663 against Walter Salter from arrested monies in the hands of Meindersen: acknowledged: settlement of accounts ordered |
1663-05-29 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_165 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Mighiel Tades v. Isaack Greveraat: default |
1663-05-29 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_166 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Request |Pieter Nijs: attorney of Paulus Blijenbergh: for the arrest of monies and goods of Jan Cnoulits and Samuel Etsal in the hands of Jan Hendricksen Steelman and Tomas de ijrsman to be declared valid: granted |
1663-05-29 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_167 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Tijmotheus Gabrij v. Allard Anthonij: demand for proper accounts to be made out: disputed: again referred to arbitrators |
1663-06-05 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_169 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Request |Claas Gangelofzen Visser for execution of the judgment of 22 May 1663 against Pieter Janssen metselaar: granted |
1663-06-05 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_171 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Jacob Kip and Hendrick Kip d oude v. Paulus Heimans: demand for payment of debt according to accounts: counter-claim: referred to arbitrators |
1663-06-05 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_168 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Joris Dopzen v. Sara Pergo: protest against arrest on tobacco of Edert Peick for transferred debt: tobacco to be delivered to Dirck Jansen van Oldenburgh: |
1663-06-05 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_170 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Schout Pieter Tonneman v. Andries Joghimzen: demand for fine for tapping after evening bell and protesting: tapping denied: protesting acknowledged: reprimanded |
1663-06-12 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_172 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Cornelis Steenwijck: as executor of the estate of Samuel Prins: v. Colonel Goldricks: demand for delivery of tobacco and hides according to obligation: acknowledged: sale of sloop demanded: to be appraised by arbitrators |
1663-06-12 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_173 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Hans Stein v. Jan Denman: demand for payment of debt: acknowledged: delay requested: ordered to pay: arrest valid |
1663-06-12 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_174 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Frerijck Flipzen v. Jacob van Couwenhoven: demand for mortgage of brewing materials: according to judgment: counter-claim: preference in sale of house and brewery claimed: plaintiff ordered to wait |
1663-06-12 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_175 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Appointment|Commissioners to meet with the curators of the estate of Six van der Stighelen: as they are ready with the accounts |
1663-06-12 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_176 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Schout Pieter Tonneman v. Hendrick Janzen smitt: demand for fine for using unmarked measurements: explanation offer: fined |
1663-06-19 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_177 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Hendrick Willemzen backer v. Wernaar Wessels: default: demand for payment of debt in beavers and sewant according to decision of arbitrators: deposit ordered |
1663-06-19 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_178 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Report |Commissioners appointed to meet with the curators of the estate of Sicx van der Stighelen: issue of costs of curators determined |
1663-06-19 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_180 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Affidavit|Request of Anneken La Chair for the appointment of arbitrators in her suit with Jacob Vis: granted |
1663-06-19 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_181 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Report |Presiding Burgomasters regarding a complaint by Joannes van der Meulen as to the behavior and insults of Pietertje Jans: widow of Claas Jansen Ruijter: referred to schout Pieter Tonneman for prosecution |
1663-06-19 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_182 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Notice |Secretary Joannes Nevius of the request of the curators of the estate of Tomas Janssen Mingael for the conveyance of the house and lot of Jan Rutgersen Moreau: granted |
1663-06-19 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_183 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Case|Cornelis Steenwijck and Jan Hackins v. Willem Tomasen and Willem Cogel: demand for payment of debt: bark Suppleij of Jeems Mils arrested: disputed: ownership disputed: proper conveyance required: arrest valid: discharge of cargo of tobacco allowed |
1663-06-19 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_179 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Schout Pieter Tonneman v. Andries Rees: demand for fine and prohibition to tap for tapping on the sabbath and allowing games: disputed: as it was after the sermon: demand dismissed |
1663-06-26 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_184 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Schout Pieter Tonneman v. Mighiel Tades: demand for tapping with unmarked cans: denied: fined |
1663-06-26 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_185 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Schout Pieter Tonneman v. Trijn Claas: demand for fine for using unmarked measurements: denied: demand dismissed |
1663-06-26 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_186 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Eghbert Meinderzen v. Stoffel van Laar: demand for payment of debt according to account: counter-claim: referred to arbitrators |
1663-06-26 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_187 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Willem Tomzen v. Cornelis Steenwijck and Jan Hackins: issue of appointment of arbitrators in their suit |
1663-06-26 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_188 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Notice |Schout Pieter Tonneman that he appeals the judgments in his suits with Andries Rees and Andries Joghimsen |
1663-06-26 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_189 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Letter |Director General and Council to the surrounding villages: calling for volunteers for the upcoming expedition |
1663-07-02 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_197 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Daniel van Donck v. David Joghimzen: demand for payment of debt in sewant for wine: no proof produced: judgment for plaintiff |
1663-07-03 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_190 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Sailors of the sloop Suppleij v. Willem Tomzen: demand for payment of monthly wages: disputed: referred to arbitrators |
1663-07-03 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_191 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Cornelis Steenwijck and Jan Hackins v. Willem Thomson: decision of arbitrators disputed: location of signing of deed of sale uncertain: surety provided |
1663-07-03 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_192 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|The curators of the estate of Sicx van der Stighelen v. Pieter van Couwenhoven: demand for payment of debt for cloth: acknowledged: ordered to pay |
1663-07-03 |
NYC-RNA_V4_bk1_193 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |