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Order postponing the case of Smith vs. the town of Huntington until May 1674-02-23 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0215b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order continuing the case of the fiscal vs. Doxy 1674-02-23 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0216a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Affidavit of David Govertsen in regard to the violent conduct of rev. Mr. Fabricius towards Maritie Juriaens 1674-02-23 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0314 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Declaration of Maritie Juriaens regarding the violent conduct of rev. Mr. Fabricius 1674-02-23 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0315 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Petition of Jacobus Fabricius, minister, for forgiveness for having married a couple illegally 1674-02-24 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0311 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Mortgage by Samuel Edsall to Jacob Kipp and Peter Stoutenburgh of Constable's hook (N. J.) 1674-02-27 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0312 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Commission of Dirck van Clyff, Walter Webly and Balthazar Bayard to settle the estate of the late Richard Morris 1674-02-28 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0216b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Pass for the ship Welvaert to sail to Surinam 1674-02-28 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0216c New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Bill of sale of a confiscated ship to Jan Hendricks Spinter, William Sandford, Cornelis van Bursum and Reinout Wiliamse 1674-02-28 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_04 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Pass to Lourens Sachariassen, skipper of the ship Welfare, for a voyage to Surinam 1674-02-28 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_07 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Court minutes 1674-03-01 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0217 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Petition of George Cooke for permission to go to Road Island 1674-03-01 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0316 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order further extending the time fixed for the departure of Thomas Lovelace from the province 1674-03-02 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0220 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Bill of sale of the confiscated ship Neptune to Dirck van Clyff 1674-03-06 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_08 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Orders regarding Bartholomew Applegadt & Co., Paul Regrenie, Roger Townsen and the town of Westchester, and the sailing of ships to the Esopus 1674-03-08 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0221 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Petition of Bartholomew Appelgate and others for leave to purchase a tract of land from the Indians 1674-03-08 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0317 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Petition of Elizabeth de Potter to be admitted as a preferred creditor of the late gov. Lovelace 1674-03-12 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0318 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order to the militia of the Dutch towns adjoining New Orange to appear armed at the city on the first notice 1674-03-13 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0223b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Evidence that Jan Spigelaer sold rum on the public fast and prayer day 1674-03-14 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0319 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Papers in the suit against Jan Spigelaer 1674-03-15 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0320 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order forbidding citizens of New Orange to pass the night out of that city without leave 1674-03-16 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0224 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Letter from Matthias Nicolls to gov. Winthrop 1674-03-16 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0325 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order for a forced loan to defray the expenses incurred for the repair of the fort at New Orange 1674-03-17 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0225 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Patent of Gertrude, widow of John Hubon for a lot on Long Island 1674-03-19 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_10 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Deed of the heirs of Govert Loockermans to Roelof Martense Schenck of a bouwery at Amesfoort, L. I. 1674-03-19 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_12 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order to the Dutch towns to send delegates to New Orange to confer with the governor 1674-03-22 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0229 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Mortgage of John Catlin, attorney for Edward Ball, John Baltwin and Nathaniel Wheeler, to Pieter Jacobse Marius, of a portion of their land at Achter Col 1674-03-23 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0326 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Mortgage of John Catlin, attorney for Edward Ball, John Baltwin and Nathaniel Wheeler, of a portion of their land at Achter Col to Gabriel Minviele 1674-03-23 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0327 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Appointment of Francis Bloodgood to be chief officer of the Dutch inhabitants of Flushing, Heemstede, Rustdorp and Middleburgh 1674-03-24 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0230a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Commission of Jacobus van de Water to be receiver of moneys advanced for completing the fortification of New Orange 1674-03-24 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0230b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Minute of the meeting of the delegates from the several Dutch towns, with their names 1674-03-26 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0231 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order to provide boats to convey the out people to New Orange on the approach of the enemy 1674-03-26 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0232a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order respecting vessels in port 1674-03-27 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0232b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Bill of sale to Cornelis Steenwyck and Nicholas Bayard of the confiscated ship St. Michael 1674-03-28 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_09 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Court minutes 1674-04-05 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0232c New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Complaint against Francis Rombouts for holding correspondence with the enemy 1674-04-05 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0328 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order of divorce granted to Catherine Lane if her husband does not appear in 6 months 1674-04-12 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0234 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Petition of Richard Smythe requesting redress in a suit against Jeremy Wood 1674-04-12 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0329 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Petition of Catherine Lane for a divorce 1674-04-12 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0330 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Ordinance against hogs, horses and cows running at large in New Orange 1674-04-16 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0235 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Fragment of an affidavit concerning Samuel Forman 1674-04-16 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0331b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Sentence of Samuel Forman for disturbing public worship in the church at New Orange 1674-04-18 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0236 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order refusing Jacobus Fabricius, a Lutheran minister, permission to baptize 1674-04-18 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0237a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Ordinance against shooting or catching hogs in the woods on Manhattan Island without a permit 1674-04-18 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0237b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Caveat against granting Thomas Lovelace certain land near Staten Island 1674-04-18 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0238a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Caveat against granting certain lands in New Jersey to Batholomew Applegate & Co. 1674-04-18 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0238b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order approving an ordinance of the town of Middletown against people leaving without notice 1674-04-18 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0238c New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Minute of the hearing of a claim lodged by some Indians to Secaucus 1674-04-18 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0238d New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Deed of Gisbert Elbertsen to Jan Janse Slot of a tract of land at Mespath's kil, L. I. 1674-04-22 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_11 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order to pay for materials furnished for the repairs of Fort Willem Hendrick 1674-04-23 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0239 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Points submitted by the magistrates of Willemstadt and order thereupon 1674-04-23 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0240 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Bill of sale to Jacobus van de Water and Stephen van Cortland of the confiscated ship Dolphin 1674-04-23 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_14 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Minute of an order of the court held at Jamaica that Susanna Hallet's husband shall pay her certain moneys 1674-04-25 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0331a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Affidavit of Francis Charetier alias La Foreest that he had settled with schout De Milt for a fine imposed on him for tapping 1674-04-30 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0332 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Petition of Balthazar Bayard to be appointed commissary of exports and imports 1674-05-03 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0333 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order to attach the estate and effects of John Archer to answer a demand of Thomas Gibbs and John Curtis 1674-05-07 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0241a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Letter from Nathaniel Denton to secretary Bayard 1674-05-09 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0335 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Declaration of Jonas Wood as to a conversation he had with gov. Lovelace 1674-05-09 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0337 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order protecting Thomas Labertse from any claims against him in his capacity as late constable of Brooklyn 1674-05-10 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0241b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Sentence of Isaac Melyn to hard labor at the fort for uttering seditious language 1674-05-12 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0242a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Sentence of banishment against John Sharp for fomenting mutiny 1674-05-12 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0242b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order confiscating all property in New Netherland belonging to inhabitants of New England, Virginia, and Maryland 1674-05-12 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0243a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Mortgage of sundry pieces of cannon for the re-payment of money borrowed by the government 1674-05-12 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0243b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Letter from gov. Colve to Johan Doncker 1674-05-12 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0245a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Letter from N. Bayard to lieut. Drayer 1674-05-12 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0245b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Complaint against John Sharpe for coming to New Orange and spreading reports of peace and the restoration of the city 1674-05-12 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0338 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Complaint against Isaac Melyn for coming to New Orange and spreading reports of peace and the restoration of the city 1674-05-12 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0340 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order to pay moneys for repairs of the fortifications 1674-05-18 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0246a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order referring complaints of Richard Smith and Jeremy Wood to the local tribunals 1674-05-19 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0246b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Petition of Richard Smith for redress against a judgment of the court at Jamaica, L. I. 1674-05-19 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0341 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Patent of Obadiah Bruen, Samuel Kitchell, Michael Tamkins, John Brown, Rober Denison, and the other inhabitants of the town of New Worke at Achter Coll 1674-05-21 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_42 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Propositions of the Mohawk Indians to gov. Colve and his answer 1674-05-22 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0247 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Patent of Paulus Regrinar for land on Staten Island 1674-05-22 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_21 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Patent of Peter Stoutenbergh for a lot in New Orange 1674-05-22 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_22 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Patent of William van Vredenburgh for a lot in New Orange 1674-05-22 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_24 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Patent of George Cobbet for a lot in New Orange 1674-05-22 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_25 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Patent of the Lutheran congregation for a lot in New Orange 1674-05-22 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_26 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Orders on various petitions from Aghter Col (New Jersey) 1674-05-24 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0248 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Answer of respondents in an appeal of John Gilman and Daniel Denton vs. John Pike, Samuel Moor and Jonathan Dunham, attorneys for the town of Woodbridge 1674-05-24 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0343 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Patent of Peter de Riemer for a confiscated house and lot heretofore belonging to the late gov. Francis Lovelace in New Orange 1674-05-24 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_27 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Patent of Simon Barentse Blanck for a lot in New Orange 1674-05-24 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_28 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Patent of Peter Jansen Slodt for a lot in New Orange 1674-05-24 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_29 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Patent of Andries Meyer for a lot in New Orange 1674-05-24 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_31 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Patent of Peter Janse Mesier for a lot in New Orange 1674-05-24 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_32 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Patent of Ephraim Herman for a lot in New Orange 1674-05-24 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_33 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Patent of Martin Janse Meyer for a house and lot in New Orange 1674-05-24 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_34 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Patent of Lodewyck Post for a house and lot in New Orange 1674-05-24 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_35 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Patent of Peter Harmse for a house and lot in New Orange 1674-05-24 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_36 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Patent of Johannis van Brugh for land in New Jersey 1674-05-24 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_41 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Minute of the capture of sundry New England vessels 1674-05-26 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0250a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order confiscating captured New England vessels 1674-05-26 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0250b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Judgment in a suit for possession of the public bouwery at Ahsymus (N. J.) 1674-05-26 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0251a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order to survey lots in New Orange for various persons 1674-05-26 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0251b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Petition of Richard Pateshall for liberty to send to Boston for a vessel and goods to trade here 1674-05-28 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0344 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Petition of Richard Pateshall requesting certain favors in regard to his vessel 1674-06-02 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0345 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Mortgage of Jacques Corteljou to Cornelis van Ruyven of his bouwery at New Utrecht 1674-06-02 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0346 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Minute of the return and attendance of the Mohawk chiefs at the council; order to forward them home 1674-06-05 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0252a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Various orders on petitions of private persons; peace between Holland and England proclaimed in New England 1674-06-05 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0252b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Petition of Anthony Jenkins, for permission to bring from Boston to New Orange certain Barbadoes goods 1674-06-05 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0347 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Petition of Charles Hill for permission to bring his vessel to New Orange with a cargo of wine, brandy and rum 1674-06-05 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0348 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)