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Proclamation confiscating all property in New Netherland belonging to the kings of France and England or their subjects 1673-09-20 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0075b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Commission of Nicholas Bayard to be receiver-general 1673-09-20 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0078 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order fixing Nicholas Bayard's salary 1673-09-20 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0079 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order to administer the oath of allegiance to the inhabitants of the South river 1673-09-25 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0083a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Commission of Walter Wharton to be land surveyor at the South river 1673-09-25 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0083b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Letter from gov. Colve to the magistrates of Hempstead 1673-09-25 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0085a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order for delinquents at Hempstead to take the oath of allegiance 1673-09-25 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0085b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Oath of office taken by Walton Wharton 1673-09-26 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0084 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Grant of the free exercise of their religious worship to the Lutherans at Willemstadt (Albany) 1673-09-26 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0087 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Instructions for Andries Draeyer, commandant and schout at Willemstadt (Albany) 1673-09-26 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0088 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order to Martin Cregier to furnish supplies to commander Draeyer 1673-09-27 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0089a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Instructions for the schout and commandant of the South river 1673-09-27 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0089b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Commission of William Knyfe and lt. Krynsen to administer the oath of allegiance to the people of Westchester and Eastchester on the Mayne 1673-09-28 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0277a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Names of the male inhabitants of West and Eastchester 1673-09-28 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0277b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Declaration of allegiance signed by Quakers living at Westchester 1673-09-28 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0277c New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Permit to Lewis Morris; order to the magistrates at Nevesings; order for a new election at Shrewsbury 1673-09-29 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0091a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Reasons why the major part of the town of Southold refuse to come under the Dutch 1673-09-29 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0127a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Letter from gov. Colve to the towns on Long Island east of Oysterbay 1673-10-01 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0091b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Commission of Captain Knyff to administer the oath of allegiance to the towns on the east end of Long Island 1673-10-01 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0092 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Instructions for the schout and magistrates of Brooklyn and adjoining towns on the west end of Long Island 1673-10-01 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0093 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Minute that instructions for the schout and magistrates have been sent to Long Island, the South river, Esopus, and New Jersey 1673-10-01 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0096a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order to sell major Kingsland's plantation and stock at Achter Col 1673-10-01 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0096b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Orders for Jan Sol, major of the garrison at fort William Henrick 1673-10-01 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0097 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Answer of the town of Southampton, refusing to swear allegiance to the Dutch government 1673-10-01 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0126 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Letter from the court of Easthampton to the Dutch commissioners 1673-10-02 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0127b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Letter from the recorder and constable complaining of those of Southampton 1673-10-03 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0128 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Orders extracted from the articles of war 1673-10-04 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0099 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Instructions for the commissary 1673-10-04 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0102 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Complaint by the inhabitants of Fordham against John Archer 1673-10-04 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0103 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order to the inhabitants of Fordham to send a nomination for magistrates 1673-10-04 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0104 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Letter from the town of Seatalcott to the commissioners 1673-10-04 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0129 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Appointment of magistrates and militia officers for Swaenenburgh (Kingston), Marbletown and Hurley 1673-10-06 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0105 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Appointment of magistrates for Willemstadt and Renselaerswyck 1673-10-06 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0107 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Letter from the magistrates to gov. Colve 1673-10-06 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0130 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Letter from gov. Colve to Hempstead 1673-10-07 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0108 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Letter from gov. Colve to William Lawrence and Charles Bridges 1673-10-07 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0109 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Oath of office of William LaMontagne; order of Peter Bilyou to report the arrival of vessels inside of Sandy hook 1673-10-07 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0111a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Minute of the attendance of the burgomasters of New Orange on the gov. council 1673-10-08 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0111b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Letter from gov. Colve to the magistrates of Swaenenburgh 1673-10-09 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0112 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Minute of arrangements for removal of houses near the fort 1673-10-10 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0113 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Appointment of assessors to value houses ordered to be pulled down near the fort 1673-10-11 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0115 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order allowing Lewis Morris to have the guardianship of his deceased brother's orphan child 1673-10-11 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0116 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order on a petition from Oysterbay explaining and confirming their privileges 1673-10-12 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0117a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Banishment of Thomas Hunt out of the province 1673-10-14 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0117b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order to schout Jacob Strycker to call on constables to account for and pay public taxes 1673-10-14 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0118a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Letter from gov. Colve to schout Ogden 1673-10-14 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0118b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Letter from John Winthrop to Mr. Bryan 1673-10-14 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0278 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Patent of Nicholas Bayard of a lot in New Orange 1673-10-14 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_19 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Patent of Cornelis, husband of Sara van Borsum, for her services as Indian interpreter, a lot on Manhattan Island 1673-10-14 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_20 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Proclamation ordering the demolition of houses adjoining fort Willem Hendrick 1673-10-16 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0119 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Valuation of the houses near the fort ordered to be demolished and of the lots given in stead 1673-10-16 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0122 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order to Peter Harmsen to remove his house from the vicinity of the fort (New Orange) 1673-10-16 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0279 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order to Peter de Riemer to remove his house from the vicinity of the fort in New Orange 1673-10-16 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0280 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order granting Lewis Morris the plantation of his deceased brother Richard 1673-10-17 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0124 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Appointment of clerk and magistrates for Fordham 1673-10-18 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0125a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Permit to Walter Webly to remain with the government 1673-10-19 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0125b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Report of capt. Knyff and the other commissioners sent to administer the oath of allegiance 1673-10-19 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0125c New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Resolution of the governor and council on the petition of the magistrates 1673-10-20 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0132a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Minute of the appearance before the council of magistrates of towns on Long Island 1673-10-20 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0132b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Letter from the general court of Connecticut to governor Colve 1673-10-21 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0147b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Commission of Samuel Willis and John Winthrop to prevent the Dutch forces using hostility towards the people on the east end of Long Island 1673-10-22 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0281 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Council minute of approval of some ordinances of the town of Bergen; orders on petitions for lands; Harlem; Esopus 1673-10-23 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0133 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Appointment of Isaac Grevenraet to be schout at Esopus, arrests for sedition, confiscation of furs belonging to Thomas Willett 1673-10-25 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0135 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Resolution to send a second embassy to the towns on the east end of Long Island 1673-10-25 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0137a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Commission of Capt. Knyff and ensign Vos to administer the oath of allegiance to the eastern towns on Long Island 1673-10-25 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0137b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Appointment of militia officers for the towns of Midwout, Amesfoort, Breuckelen, Utrecht, Bushwyck and Gravesend 1673-10-25 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0138a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Orders on a petition for the better government of the Esopus 1673-10-25 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0138b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Council minutes of mitigation of the seizure of Mr. Willet's beavers and appointment of curators of the late Nicolas Davis's estate 1673-10-27 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0139 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Appointment of commissioners to take charge of the estate of capt. John Manning 1673-10-27 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0140 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Report of the submission of Huntington and Seatalcott and of the appointment of magistrates there 1673-10-28 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0141a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Commission of Cornelis Steenwyck, Charles Epestyn and Charles Quirynsen to administer the oath of allegiance 1673-10-30 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0141b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Instructions for Councillor Cornelis Steenwyck, capt. Charles Epestyn, and lieut. Charles Quirynsen 1673-10-30 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0142 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Commission of Isaac Grevenraet to be schout at Esopus 1673-10-30 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0144 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Oath to be administered to the magistrates and militia officers at Esopus 1673-10-30 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0145 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Letter from gov. Winthrop to gov. Colve 1673-10-31 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0161b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Appointment of Balthazar Bayard to be commissioner on the part of the government 1673-11-01 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0146a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Petition of Gabriel Tomassen of Willemstadt for permission to go to Boston for goods there belonging to him 1673-11-01 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0283 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Commission of Olof Stevese van Cortlandt, Gelyn Verplancke and Gabriel Minvielle to settle the estate of the late gov. Lovelace 1673-11-02 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0146b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Appointment of Lodewyck Cobbes to be notary public at Willemstadt 1673-11-02 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0147a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Letter from gov. Colve to gov. Winthrop 1673-11-05 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0148 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Permit to Madame Corlear to trade with the Indians at Schenectady and order respecting a negro claimed by Mrs. Teller 1673-11-05 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0149 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Instructions for the schout and magistrates of Willemstadt and Renselaerswyck 1673-11-08 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0150 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Report of the commissioners sent to the east end of Long Island 1673-11-08 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0152 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Minute of court of Bergen in the suit against John Berry for taking away some hogs belonging to capt. Sandford 1673-11-11 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0286 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Petition of Peter Stoutenburgh and others for payment of the indemnity for the removal of their houses near the fort 1673-11-11 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0287 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Proclamation for a day of Humiliation and Thanksgiving 1673-11-15 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0156 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Translation of proclamation for a day of Humiliation and Thanksgiving into English 1673-11-15 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0158 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order to capt. Ewoutsen to proceed to Nantucket and endeavor to save a small Dutch craft there 1673-11-16 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0159 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Warrant to Mr. John Hoit not to allow any person to travel through Eastchester to or from New England without a pass 1673-11-16 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0160a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Council minutes 1673-11-16 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0160b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Council minutes 1673-11-16 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0161a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Letter from secretary Bayard to Isaac Greveraet 1673-11-16 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0288 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Letter from gov. Colve to gov. Winthrop 1673-11-18 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0162 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order to the magistrates of Seatalcot to seize the estate of Daniel Lane 1673-11-21 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0163 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Order defining the jurisdiction of the magistrates of Huntington and Seatalcot 1673-11-21 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0164 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Council minutes 1673-11-23 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0165 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Letter from the gov. and council of Massachusetts to gov. Colve 1673-11-25 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0175a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Examination of the captains of the New England ships brought in by captain Ewoutsen 1673-11-26 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0166 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Resolution to detain New England ships and cargoes brought in by captain Ewoutsen 1673-11-26 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0168a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)
Letter from gov. Colve to gov. Levereth 1673-11-27 NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0168b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674)