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Actions of debt; Rem Jansen vs. Symon Volckertsen; William Hoffmeyer vs. Jochem Wesselsen; Thomas Jansen Mingael vs. Jan Roeloffsen; Michiel Rombouts vs. Idoneus Jurcksen 1657-06-26 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0081 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions; the sheriff vs. Steven Jansen and Hendrick Andriessen 1657-06-26 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0083 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions of debt; attachment issued against the ship of Harmen Jacobsen Bambus 1657-07-04 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0086 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions of debt; attachment issued against the property and debts of Harmen Jacobsen Bamboes 1657-07-10 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0088 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Action of Daniel Rinckhout against Leendert Pietersen 1657-07-11 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0089 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Proceedings of Peter Jacobsen vs. Cornelis Vos; bail entered by Rutger Jacobsen and Gerrit Bancker for Juriaen Jansen 1657-07-11 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0090 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Various actions of debt; permission to Rutger Jacobsen to use a ship; iron work by Peter Maecker; the sheriff vs. Peter Bronk 1657-07-17 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0092 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Action of debt: Dirck Keyser vs. John Roelofsen 1657-07-18 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0096 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Action of damages; Goosen Gerritsen vs. Jurriaen Jansen; appointment of Sander Leendertsen and Peter Hartgers to appraise wampum; Daniel Rinckhout paid by Leendert Pietersen 1657-07-19 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0097 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Appointment of Hendrick Bierman to be receiver of the excise; sundry actions of debt; the sheriff vs. Jacob Loockermans; confession of Juriaen Jansen 1657-07-28 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0098 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions of debt; Reyndert Hoorn vs. Adriaen Symonsen 1657-08-01 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0103a New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Affidavit of Johannes La Montagne, Philip Pietersen Schuyler, Jan Tomassen, and Hendrick Jochemsen that Marten Bierkaecker sold brandy to a Mohawk Indian 1657-08-15 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0103b New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Examination of Martin Bierkaecker and Susanna, his wife, on the charge he sold brandy to a Mohawk Indian 1657-08-15 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0104 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Sundry actions for debt; Goosen Gerritsen vs. Teunis Cornelissen and Marretje his wife; the sheriff vs. Susannah Jansen 1657-08-20 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0106 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions: Mr. Van Hamel vs. Lambert van Valkenburgh; Jan Bemboo vs. Teunis Jacobsen; actions of debt 1657-09-04 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0110 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Action of the sheriff against Hendrick Andriessen 1657-09-04 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0113 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Action of slander: Ulderick Kleyn vs. Eldert Gerbertsen; report of referees in favor of a claim of Femmetje de Baxter vs. Michael Teunissen 1657-09-05 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0112bis New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions of debt; Cornelis Cornelissen vs. Daniel Rinckhout; the sheriff vs. Engeltje Cornelissen 1657-10-02 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0114 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Sundry actions for debt 1657-10-13 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0116 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions for debt; John Albertsen against Jacob Tyssen 1660-01-13 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0133 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions for debt; Jan van Hoesem's wife against Eva Rinckhout 1660-02-17 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0137 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Sundry actions for debt 1660-03-02 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0139 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Inauguration of the new magistrates for the ensuing year; oath of office 1660-05-01 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0146 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions for debt and for slander; sentence of Jannetje, wife of Evert the baker 1660-05-25 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0151 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Petition of several citizens, on behalf of the commonalty legally assembled, that only Indian brokers be allowed in the Indian trade 1660-05-25 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0153 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Petition of several citizens that Dutch as well as Indian brokers may be employed to trade with the Indians 1660-05-27 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0169 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Votes and opinions of the magistrates on the petition that only Indian brokers be allowed in the Indian trade 1660-05-31 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0154 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Ordinance directing that no brokers be allowed in the Indian trade, but the Indians be allowed to offer their beavers for sale in town 1660-05-31 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0155 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions for debt; Cornelis Theunissen and Jacob Thysen against William Teller 1660-06-01 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0159 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Complaint against Jan Harmsen 1660-06-12 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0161 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Sentence of Jan Harmsen 1660-06-15 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0163 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Complaint against Volckert Jansen, William Brouwer, Jan van Aken and others for having employed an Indian to bring other Indians to sell their furs to them 1660-06-15 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0164 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Action of Adriaen Jansen against Wynant Gerritsen (Van de Poel), attorney of the widow of Abraham Vosburg 1660-06-15 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0167 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Order permitting the inhabitants of the town to employ Indian brokers 1660-06-15 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0168a New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Minute of the presentation of a petition that the Indian trade may be free, and that Dutch as well as Indian brokers may be employed 1660-06-17 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0168b New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Order on a petition that Dutch brokers may be employed to trade with the Indians 1660-06-17 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0171 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Proposals of the Mohawks protesting against the employment of Dutch brokers in the woods 1660-06-26 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0172 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Advice and opinions of the several magistrates on proposals on employment of Dutch brokers in the woods 1660-06-26 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0173 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Ordinance prohibiting the employment of Christians as brokers among the Indians in the woods 1660-06-28 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0175 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions for debt 1660-07-13 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0181 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Order to vice-director La Montagne, Sander Leendertsen, Jan Verbeeck, Frans Barentsen Pastoor, and Evert Jansen Wendel to visit the woods and fine all traders and Dutch brokers whom they may find 1660-07-14 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0185 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Complaints against various citizens for going to the woods or employing Dutchmen as brokers to trade there with Indians 1660-07-15 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0186 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Ordinance for the regulation of the Indian trade at Fort Orange 1660-07-21 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0191 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Proposals of the Senecas 1660-07-25 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0193 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Answer to proposals of the Senecas 1660-07-26 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0196 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Action of Dirck Jansen Croon against David Pietersen and Gysbert Jansen 1660-08-03 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0199 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Action of slander of Isaac de Haen against Jacob Tysen; complaint against Philip Hendricksen 1660-08-04 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0201 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Complaint against Adriaen Jansen 1660-08-13 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0203 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Complaint against Hendrick Andriessen 1660-08-25 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0205 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions for debt; complaints against Lambert Albertsen van Neck, Jurriaen Theunesen, Cornelis Theunissen Bosch, Hendrick de Backer 1660-09-01 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0211 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions: William Teller against Jacob Thyssen and Cornelis Theunissen Bosch; Dirckie Martensen against Jochern Kittelheym; judgment for Daniel Rinckhout against Jan Fransen Van Hoesen 1660-09-28 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0214 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions for debt 1660-10-16 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0218 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Jan Hendricksen de Bruyn vs. Jannetie, wife of Evert the baker; actions for debt. 1660-12-07 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0221 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions for debt; Albert Gysbersen against Maria Goosens; Lyntje Adamsen against Engeltje Hendricksen 1660-12-21 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0224 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions for debt; appointment of Claes van den Bosch to be joint beer carrier with Theunis Jacobsen and his oath of office 1660-12-28 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0231 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Complaint against Jurriaen Theunissen and Marcelis Jansen 1660-12-30 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt3_0232 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Confirmation of letters patent issued to Claes 1667-10-15 NYSA_12943-78_V02_p120 New York State Department of State Bureau of Miscellaneous Records Letters Patent (Series 12943 _ 1667-1763)
Confirmation_of_letters_patent_issued_to_Domingo_Angola 1667-10-15 NYSA_12943-78_V02_p119-120 New York State Department of State Bureau of Miscellaneous Records Letters Patent (Series 12943 _ 1667-1763)
Confirmation_of_letters_patents_issued_to_Manuel_de_Ros_Cristoffell_Santome_and_Groot_Manuel 1667-10-15 NYSA_12943-78_V02_p122 New York State Department of State Bureau of Miscellaneous Records Letters Patent (Series 12943 _ 1667-1763)
Confirmation_of_letters_patents_issued_to_Pieter_Tamboer_and_Francisco_Cartagena 1667-10-15 NYSA_12943-78_V02_p121 New York State Department of State Bureau of Miscellaneous Records Letters Patent (Series 12943 _ 1667-1763)
Confirmation of letters patent issued to Antony Antonys 1667-10-16 NYSA_12943-78_V02_p124-125 New York State Department of State Bureau of Miscellaneous Records Letters Patent (Series 12943 _ 1667-1763)
Confirmation of letters patent issued to Antony Mathijs 1667-10-16 NYSA_12943-78_V02_p125-126 New York State Department of State Bureau of Miscellaneous Records Letters Patent (Series 12943 _ 1667-1763)
Confirmation of letters patent issued to Assento 1667-10-16 NYSA_12943-78_V02_p120-121 New York State Department of State Bureau of Miscellaneous Records Letters Patent (Series 12943 _ 1667-1763)
Confirmation_of_letters_patent_issued_to_Assento_Angola_and_Luijcas_Pieters 1667-10-16 NYSA_12943-78_V02_p124 New York State Department of State Bureau of Miscellaneous Records Letters Patent (Series 12943 _ 1667-1763)
Confirmation_of_letters_patent_issued_to_Francisco_and_Manuel_Sanders 1667-10-16 NYSA_12943-78_V02_p125 New York State Department of State Bureau of Miscellaneous Records Letters Patent (Series 12943 _ 1667-1763)
Confirmation_of_letters_patent_issued_to_Solomon_Pieters 1667-10-16 NYSA_12943-78_V02_p123-124 New York State Department of State Bureau of Miscellaneous Records Letters Patent (Series 12943 _ 1667-1763)
Confirmation_of_letters_patents_issued_to_Manuell_Saunders_and_Willem_Antonys_Portugies 1667-10-16 NYSA_12943-78_V02_p123 New York State Department of State Bureau of Miscellaneous Records Letters Patent (Series 12943 _ 1667-1763)
Confirmation_of_letters_patent_issued_to_Paulo_D_Angola 1667-10-18 NYSA_12943-78_V02_p128-129 New York State Department of State Bureau of Miscellaneous Records Letters Patent (Series 12943 _ 1667-1763)
Confirmation_of_letters_patent_issued_to_Pieter_Santomee 1667-10-18 NYSA_12943-78_V02_p130 New York State Department of State Bureau of Miscellaneous Records Letters Patent (Series 12943 _ 1667-1763)
Confirmation_of_letters_patent_issued_to_Symon_Congoe 1667-10-18 NYSA_12943-78_V02_p129-130 New York State Department of State Bureau of Miscellaneous Records Letters Patent (Series 12943 _ 1667-1763)
Confirmation_of_letters_patent_issued_to_Anna_d_Angola 1667-10-19 NYSA_12943-78_V02_p126 New York State Department of State Bureau of Miscellaneous Records Letters Patent (Series 12943 _ 1667-1763)
Confirmation_of_letters_patent_issued_to_Cleyn_Antonio 1667-10-19 NYSA_12943-78_V02_p130-131 New York State Department of State Bureau of Miscellaneous Records Letters Patent (Series 12943 _ 1667-1763)
Confirmation_of_letters_patent_issued_to_Francisco_d_Angola_ 1667-10-19 NYSA_12943-78_V02_p127 New York State Department of State Bureau of Miscellaneous Records Letters Patent (Series 12943 _ 1667-1763)
Confirmation_of_letters_patent_issued_to_Gracia_D_Angola 1667-10-19 NYSA_12943-78_V02_p131-132 New York State Department of State Bureau of Miscellaneous Records Letters Patent (Series 12943 _ 1667-1763)
Confirmation_of_letters_patent_issued_to_Groot_Manuel 1667-10-19 NYSA_12943-78_V02_p126-127 New York State Department of State Bureau of Miscellaneous Records Letters Patent (Series 12943 _ 1667-1763)
Confirmation_of_letters_patent_issued_to_Manuel_Trumpeter (1) 1667-10-19 NYSA_12943-78_V02_p127-128 New York State Department of State Bureau of Miscellaneous Records Letters Patent (Series 12943 _ 1667-1763)
Confirmation_of_letters_patent_issued_to_Marijke_and_Domingo_Angola 1667-10-19 NYSA_12943-78_V02_p128 New York State Department of State Bureau of Miscellaneous Records Letters Patent (Series 12943 _ 1667-1763)
Confirmation_of_letters_patents_issued_to_Manuel_de_Spangie 1667-10-19 NYSA_12943-78_V02_p132 New York State Department of State Bureau of Miscellaneous Records Letters Patent (Series 12943 _ 1667-1763)
Letters_patent_to_operate_a_ferry_across_the_Hudson_River 1752-08-05 NYSA_12943-78_1752_V012_p418-p423 New York State Department of State Bureau of Miscellaneous Records Letters Patent (Series 12943 _ 1667-1763)
Land_Patent_1763 1763-02-09 NYSA_12943-78_1763_V14_p19-p23 New York State Department of State Bureau of Miscellaneous Records Letters Patent (Series 12943 _ 1667-1763)
Memorandum of order by Governor Nicolls to Peter Stuyvesant and Cornelius van Ruyant 1664-12-24 NYSA_A1894-78_V022_001a New York Colony Council papers (Series A1894)
Petition by the Heirs of Samuel Palmer of Westchester that his widow be granted a letter of administration, 1670 1670-00-00 NYSA_A1894-78_V022_098 New York Colony Council papers (Series A1894)
Account of Indians sold in New York by James Barre 1679-00-00 NYSA_A1894-78_V028_172 New York Colony Council papers (Series A1894)
Council resolution on freedom of Native Americans from enslavement 1679-00-00 NYSA_A1894-78_V028_174 New York Colony Council papers (Series A1894)
Memorial of the British commissioners in relation to Hudson Bay and the Iroquois Indians 1687-11-16 NYSA_A1894-78_V035_187 New York Colony Council papers (Series A1894)
Deposition of Catilyn Trico 1688-10-17 NYSA_A1894-78_V035_182 New York Colony Council papers (Series A1894)
Commissions of Richard Smith, Thomas Statham, and Joseph Pudway 1689-12-14 NYSA_A1894-78_V036_142_5_s1 New York Colony Council papers (Series A1894)
Letter from Gerardus Beekman 1691-03-12 NYSA_A1894-78_V037_006 New York Colony Council papers (Series A1894)
Approval of patent to William Smith 1693-11-27 NYSA_A1894-78_V039_113 New York Colony Council papers (Series A1894)
Petition of Rymderig Quick to purchase land 1698-10-14 NYSA_A1894-78_V042_076b New York Colony Council papers (Series A1894)
Petition from Richard Merrill to Lord Cornbury 1705-01-11 NYSA_A1894-78_V050_045 New York Colony Council papers (Series A1894)
Petition of Joshua Kocherthal 1709-06-29 NYSA_A1894-78_V053_107 New York Colony Council papers (Series A1894)
Memorandum of ammunition and seeds required for the Palatines 1710-11-09 NYSA_A1894-78_V054_101b New York Colony Council papers (Series A1894)
Contract of Robert Livingston for supplying Palatines with provisions 1710-11-13 NYSA_A1894-78_V054_099 New York Colony Council papers (Series A1894)
Petition of Sarah Robins to Governor Robert Hunter 1711-00-00 NYSA_A1894-78_V056_096 New York Colony Council papers (Series A1894)
Certificates of the delivery of bread and sundries by Robert Livingston, for the Palatines 1711-05-14 NYSA_A1894-78_V055_019 New York Colony Council papers (Series A1894)
Resolution of the Council of War 1711-06-29 NYSA_A1894-78_V055_061 New York Colony Council papers (Series A1894)
Letter from Governor Hunter to Jean Cast 1711-07-10 NYSA_A1894-78_V055_112 New York Colony Council papers (Series A1894)
Petition of Vincentius Antonides 1711-10-01 NYSA_A1894-78_V056_015 New York Colony Council papers (Series A1894)
Certificate of John Collins to John Chissum 1712-05-09 NYSA_A1894-78_V057_046b New York Colony Council papers (Series A1894)