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Displaying 3201 - 3300 of 16349 Entries
16349 Total Entries
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Oath of office of councillor Tonneman 1657-01-03 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0381b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Ordinance regulating the currency 1657-01-03 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0383 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order rejecting Hendrick Wagerman's petition for additional compensation for guns sold 1657-01-03 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0387 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Pardon of Hendrick Sweers for accidentally wounding captain Nuton 1657-01-03 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0388 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Resolution to furnish Oostdorp with arms and ammunition 1657-01-03 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0390 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Ordinance regulating the currency suspended 1657-01-03 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0395 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Confessions of Abigail Balden and Enam Benoni to adultery 1657-01-08 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0419a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order on the petition of Abraham Martense Clock 1657-01-09 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0393 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of magistrates of Amersfoort for confirmation of an assessment for the payment of the minister 1657-01-13 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0400 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of magistrates of Midwout for power to make an assessment for the payment of the minister to farm the citizens' and butchers' excise 1657-01-13 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0403 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Peter van Couwenhoven and Govert Loockermans for the appointment of guardians and trustees of the motherless children of Jacob van Couwenhoven 1657-01-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0396 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order appointing guardians and trustees of the motherless children of Jacob van Couwenhoven 1657-01-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0399 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order approving and authorizing the collection of an assessment for the payment of the minister in Amersfoort 1657-01-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0402 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order granting the petition of the magistrates of Midwout 1657-01-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0405 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order to sheriff Tonneman to advise those of Breuckelen to fulfill their engagement towards Mr. Polhemus 1657-01-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0410 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Ordinance for the fencing of lands and permitting firewood and other timber to be cut gratis on uninclosed lots 1657-01-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0411 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Judgment of the court of Gravesend in the case of John George Baldin 1657-01-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0419b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam for the establishment of burgher right 1657-01-22 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0427 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order to sheriff, burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam to summon John Adams to answer a complaint of Mrs. William Beeckman 1657-01-23 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0414 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of John George Baldingh (Baldwin) for a divorce from his wife on the ground of adultery 1657-01-23 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0415 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Decree of divorce granted to John George Baldin 1657-01-23 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0421 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Jacques Corteljou to be surveyor-general 1657-01-23 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0422a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of Jacques Corteljou to be surveyor-general 1657-01-23 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0422b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Salary and fees of Jacques Corteljou 1657-01-23 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0423a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Oath of office of Jacques Corteljou 1657-01-23 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0423b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Jacques Corteljou, agent of the heirs of Cornelis van Werckhoven, for leave to found and erect a village on Long Island 1657-01-23 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0424 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Grant of the petition of the heirs of Cornelis van Werckhoven to found a village on Long Island 1657-01-23 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0425a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Ordinance against unlicensed taverns 1657-01-23 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0425b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Opinion of the director-general on the petition to establish burgher right 1657-01-23 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0429 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Opinion of councillor De Sille on the petition of burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam 1657-01-24 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0434 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Resolution to issue an ordinance on the subject of citizenship 1657-01-29 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0435 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Ordinance establishing great and small citizenship in New Amsterdam 1657-01-30 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0436 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Judgment in appeal of Allard Anthony, attorney of Jacob Jansen Huys, vs. Jacob Barsimson 1657-01-30 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0439 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam on which the ordinance on citizenship was issued 1657-01-31 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0446 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Letter from the magistrates to the director and council 1657-02-00 (circa) NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0456 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of magistrates for the city of New Amsterdam 1657-02-02 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0441 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Ordinance declaring who are entitled to great and small citizenship 1657-02-02 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0442 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of burgomasters and schepens for the privilege of appointing city officers, with answer refusing 1657-02-02 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0448 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Nomination of measurers of grain and lime 1657-02-05 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0450 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of Anthony Lodewycksen Baeck to be city jailer 1657-02-06 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0449 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of grain and lime measurers for city of New Amsterdam 1657-02-06 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0451 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Form of certificate of great citizenship 1657-02-06 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0452 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order to examine the papers of Cornelis van Tienhoven 1657-02-06 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0453b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Testimony of Anthony Lord, his wife and other inhabitants of Gravesend on calves claimed by Charles Morgan 1657-02-06 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0457 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Proclamation appointing the first Wednesday in March a day of general thanksgiving and prayer 1657-02-06 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0458 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Ordinance of the magistrates of Breuckelen imposing an assessment to pay the rev. Mr. Polhemus 1657-02-07 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0463 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Names of the inhabitants of Breuckelen, The Ferry, Walebocht and Gouwanes, and the amounts they are respectively assessed 1657-02-07 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0464 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Nominations for the vacant offices of orphan master, city surveyor and fire warden in New Amsterdam 1657-02-12 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0461 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of orphan master, city surveyor and fire warden of New Amsterdam 1657-02-13 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0462 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Approval and confirmation of the ordinance imposing an assessment to pay the rev. Mr. Polhemus 1657-02-13 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0466 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order granting Hendrick Jansen van Iveren more time to comply with the peremptory order of December 21st 1657-02-13 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0467a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of the guardians and trustees of Jacob van Couwenhoven's motherless children, praying that the fiscal may be ordered to assist them in the performance of their duty 1657-02-13 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0467b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order to sheriff de Sille to assist the guardians and trustees of Jacob van Couwenhoven's children 1657-02-13 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0469a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order that the retiring burgomaster shall in future act as treasurer of the city New Amsterdam 1657-03-06 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0469b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of Peter Tonneman to be kerck master of the church at New Amsterdam 1657-03-06 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0470 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Proceedings in the case of Cornelis Schut vs. Maria Verlett, widow of Jan van Beeck 1657-03-13 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0471a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order to increase the number of laborers at the public store and weighhouse to nine 1657-03-13 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0471b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of searcher and inspector of imports and exports promised to Warnaer Wessels 1657-03-13 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0473 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of councillor Tonneman, Carel van Brugge and Matthys Capito as commissioners to investigate the accounts of Cornelis van Tienhoven 1657-03-13 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0474 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Complaint of the fiscal against Adriaen van Tienhoven 1657-03-13 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0564 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Solomon Lachaire, farmer of the excise on slaughtered cattle, for a writ of appeal against a judgment of the city court 1657-03-17 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0480 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order granting the petition of Adriaenge Walich, wife of Dirck Teunissen Noorman of Midwout 1657-03-20 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0477b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order for the arrest of Jacob van Couwenhovens until he account for the estate of his late wife 1657-03-20 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0479 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order that a writ of appeal issue for Solomon Lachaire 1657-03-20 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0481 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Nomination of persons recommended by the burgomasters and schepens to be public laborers 1657-03-20 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0482 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Complaint of Jan Schaggen against Jan Paul Jacquet 1657-03-20 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0524b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Permit to Peter Meyer to use the pleasure boat of the late gov. Printz as a dispatch boat 1657-03-26 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0483a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of the magistrates of Breuckelen 1657-03-27 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0483b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of magistrates for Midwout and Amesfoort 1657-03-27 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0484b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute refusing to appoint Solomon Lachaire notary public 1657-03-27 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0485b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Arrest of judgment pronounced by the court of New Amsterdam against John Adams for slander of Mrs. Beeckman 1657-03-27 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0485c New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of the magistrates and sheriff of Gravesend 1657-03-27 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0487a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute that the sheriff of Gravesend has taken the oath of office 1657-03-27 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0487b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Robert Brudenell of Heemstead for leave to sell his land 1657-03-27 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0488 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order in the case of Jacob Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven's minor children by his first wife 1657-03-27 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0489 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Agreement of the guardians of Jacob Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven's children to the court's order 1657-03-27 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0490 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order to Cornelis van Ruyven to assist the commissioners appointed to investigate Cornelis van Tienhoven's accounts 1657-03-27 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0491 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of Matthys Capito to be assistant to bookkeeper Van Brugge 1657-03-27 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0492 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Johanna de Laet, widow of Johan de Hulter 1657-03-27 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0493a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order on the petition of Johanna de Laet 1657-03-27 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0493b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Nicolas Verleth to be appointed commissary of imports and exports 1657-03-29 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0505b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Ordinance to prevent frauds in the inspection of tobacco 1657-03-30 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0494 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Opinions of merchants of New Amsterdam on the ordinace to prevent fraud in the inspection of tobacco 1657-03-30 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0497 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of rev. Mr. Megapolensis asking for a stated sum for house rent and firewood 1657-04-04 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0502 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Protest of Isaac Allerton, Sr., against Jan Paul Jacquet, commander on the South river 1657-04-06 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0527 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order allowing rev. Mr. Megapolensis 300 guilders a year 1657-04-07 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0503a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Cornelis van Ruyven requesting to know what percentage is to be allowed him as receiver 1657-04-07 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0503b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order on petition of Cornelis van Ruyven 1657-04-07 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0505a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of Nicholas Verleth as commissary of imports and exports 1657-04-07 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0506 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Oath of office taken by Nicholas Verleth 1657-04-07 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0507 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Oath of office of Warnaer Wessels as inspector and searcher of customs 1657-04-07 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0508 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order appointing Thursday in each week a market day in Breuckelen 1657-04-11 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0523b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Motion of the fiscal for the confiscation of gunpowder and other articles brought by lieut. Alexander d'Hinoyossa 1657-04-12 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0510a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order denying motion of the fiscal to confiscate articles from lieut. Alexander d'Hinoyossa 1657-04-12 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0510b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Nomination of magistrates for Fort Orange 1657-04-12 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0511 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Deed of Fort Casimir to the burgomasters of the city of Amsterdam according to the Indian deed dated 19 July 1651 1657-04-12 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0513 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order granting the request of Gerrit van Sweringen to be discharged from the company's service 1657-04-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0515a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of rev. Mr. Polhemus complaining of the non-payment of his salary 1657-04-17 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0515b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order to pay rev. Mr. Polhemus 60 guilders 1657-04-17 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0516a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Isaac Tym for a house and lot on the South river; declined 1657-04-17 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0516b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)