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Application of Hans Vos for the discharge of his wife's son from Jacob van Curler's employ 1658-03-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0771b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Resolution to rent the Ferry at New Amsterdam to the highest bidder 1658-03-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0771c New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute refusing to appoint Jan Lubbertsen a clerk in the public office 1658-03-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0772a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute of Jacques Corteljou presenting a survey of land in dispute between John Hicks and Hendrick Jansen to the council 1658-03-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0772b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order that all freight allowed to sailors shall be sent to the public store for examination 1658-03-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0773a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order refusing the request of burgomasters and schepens for leave to Jacob van Corler to keep school 1658-03-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0773b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order on a petition of Johannes Nevius, clerk of New Amsterdam, respecting the payment of his salary and fees 1658-03-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0774a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Resolution to farm the windmill in New Amsterdam 1658-03-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0774b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order that walnut timber imported from Holland shall pay duty 1658-03-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0775a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order to Dirck Teunissen to pay jailor's fees 1658-03-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0775b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute of application for an increase of wages by Bartholameus van Schel and other masons to complete the stone wall around fort Amsterdam 1658-03-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0776a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Resolution to furnish Allard Anthony with an extract of a letter received from the directors in Holland 1658-03-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0776b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of magistrates for Midwout and Amesfoort 1658-03-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0777 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order to allow Gysbert Opdyck a certain sum for his services as commissioner of the tenths 1658-03-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0778a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Ordinance requiring shippers of tobacco to return the weight of each particular hogshead 1658-03-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0778b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order to John Mastine, constable of Flushing, to execute a judgment obtained by Nicholas Blashford against Thomas Stiles 1658-03-26 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0780a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order refusing Jacob van Corler permission to keep a school in New Amsterdam 1658-03-26 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0780b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Philip Pietersen Schuyler to be credited with the amount of an account against the company assigned to him by Jan Bembo 1658-03-26 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0781 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order to commissary Varleth to collect the duties on exported liquors and return the names of delinquents to the fiscal 1658-03-26 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0782a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of magistrates for Fort Orange 1658-03-26 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0782b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of burgomasters and schepens for leave to appoint persons to settle the estates of the late Jochem Pietersen (Kuyter) and Peter Anthony 1658-03-26 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0785 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order permitting Helena de Bree to return to the city of New Amsterdam to arrange her private affairs before sailing for Holland 1658-03-26 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0787a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of Richard Bridnell to be deputy collector of excise at Heemstede 1658-03-26 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0787b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Summons of Lodewyck ——, Jan Martyn, Nicholas the Frenchman, Abraham Jansen, alias the Mulatto, and Gerrit the wheelwright to appear before the council and answer a complaint of sheriff Tonneman 1658-03-26 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0789b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of magistrates for Breuckelen 1658-03-26 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0790 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Ordinance for the better government of the town of Flushing, L. I. 1658-03-26 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0791 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Answer of the director and council to the demands of Jan Gallardo 1658-03-26 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0795 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Adriaen Hegeman for writ of benefit of inventory in settling the estate of the late councillor Van Dincklage 1658-04-02 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0799 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Permit to Abraham Pietersen to erect a water mill on the Fresh water, New Amsterdam 1658-04-02 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0800a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order to burgomasters and schepens to pay Cornelis Steenwyck's account of disbursements in fortifying the city of New Amsterdam 1658-04-02 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0800b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order to the fiscal to give up articles belonging to Jan Jeuriaense 1658-04-02 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0801a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Judgment in the case of the heirs of Johanna Wheeler vs. the heirs of Henry Feaks 1658-04-02 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0801b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order on a petition of James Sertel for payment of his account 1658-04-02 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0803 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Judgment against Nicolas the Frenchman and Abraham Jansen for refusing to contribute to the support of the rev. Mr. Polhemus 1658-04-02 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0804 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Resolution to summon the principal merchants of New Amsterdam before the council for consultation on proposed changes in the customs 1658-04-02 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0807 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order confining commissary Van Brugge and his clerk to their office until they balance the books of accounts 1658-04-02 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0810a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order for the translation of a paper in the Spanish language presented by Jan Gallardo, and leave to him to return to Holland 1658-04-02 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0810b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Pardon of Martin Claesen, carpenter 1658-04-04 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0811a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Writ of appeal from a judgment of the city court; Cornelis Steenwyck and Peter Jacobs Buys, attorneys of Walewyn van der Veen, vs. Nicholas Meyer 1658-04-04 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0811b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Ordinance against importing munitions of war, unseasonable loading and unloading of vessels, and traveling without a pass 1658-04-09 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0814 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Proposals submitted by the director general to the council on the subject of some printed placards received from Holland 1658-04-09 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0815 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Fine imposed on Gerrit, the wheelwright of Breuckelen, for refusing to contribute to the support of rev. Mr. Polhemus 1658-04-09 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0818 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Letter from Cornelis Steenwyck and the principal merchants to the director and council 1658-04-09 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0821 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Johannes Provoost for an increase of salary 1658-04-10 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0822 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Ordinance against cutting sods or digging oyster shells on Manhattan Island within certain limits 1658-04-11 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0823 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order confiscating four pieces of linen 1658-04-12 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0825a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Sentence of Jan Martyn 1658-04-12 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0825b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Sentence of Severyn Lourens 1658-04-12 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0826 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order increasing the pay of corporal Zachariah Sickels 1658-04-12 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0828 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Sentence of Peter Hendricksen 1658-04-12 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0829 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Sentence of Nicholas Albertsen 1658-04-15 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0831 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Sentence of Simon Woutersen 1658-04-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0832 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order extending the time for covering William Pietersen de Groot's house in New Amsterdam with tiles 1658-04-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0833a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order suspending for two months the ordinance against thatched roofs in New Amsterdam 1658-04-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0833b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order for a writ of appeal from a judgment of the city court in favor of Peter van der Linde against Claes Teunissen 1658-04-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0834 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order on a petition of Govert Loockermans for the pay of his brother Peter 1658-04-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0835 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order on application for payment of a balance due corporal Arent van den Berch 1658-04-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0836a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of Peter Schaeffbanck to be messenger to the court of director and council 1658-04-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0836c New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Jacob Jansen Huys for the release of certain articles sent him by his wife 1658-04-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0837 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Resolution continuing the duties on liquors exported to New England and Virginia 1658-04-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0839 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Ordinance imposing a duty of 10 per cent on all imports except provisions, malt, tobacco and sugar, which are free 1658-04-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0843 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order to the burgomasters to provide against hogs running at large and privies discharging in the streets of New Amsterdam 1658-04-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0844a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order granting Jan Gallardo de Ferrara a free passage to Holland 1658-04-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0844b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order to rev. Johannes Ernestus Gutwater, to quit the province and return to Holland 1658-04-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0845 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order to pay money due to Peter Loockermans 1658-04-20 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0847 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order in regard to some imported lead 1658-04-20 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0848 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute council approving the departure of the director-general to the South river 1658-04-20 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0849 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Proceedings against Dirck Claessen for disobedience of orders 1658-04-20 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0851 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Ordinance further regulating the duties payable on imported and exported goods 1658-04-23 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0852 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Oath of office of Nicolas Verleth, collector 1658-04-23 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0854 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Ordinance regulating the duties and fees of court messengers 1658-04-23 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0857 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Joost Adriensen etc. for leave to build a saw and gristmill at Turtle falls on the South river 1658-04-30 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0872a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order granting the petition of Joost Adriensen etc. 1658-05-06 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0872b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of the Swedish sheriff and magistrates at Tinnicum for certain privileges 1658-05-08 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0869 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Oath taken by the Swedes on the South river 1658-05-08 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0871 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Thomas Willett to be allowed to commute for the duties payable by him 1658-05-15 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0863 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Opinions of the several members of the council on Thomas Willett's petition 1658-05-15 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0864 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order admitting Mr. Willett to trade 1658-05-15 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0865 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Report of Director Stuyvesant on the affairs at the South river 1658-05-15 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0867 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Propositions submitted to the council by Johan de Deckere, receiver-general 1658-05-15 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0873 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order on propositions submitted to the council by Johan de Deckere 1658-05-15 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0876 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order fixing the pay of two sailors for a voyage to Curaçao 1658-05-20 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0878 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Resolution to enclose the city of New Amsterdam by a double row of palisades 1658-05-25 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0879 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Notice to all persons having public property in their possession 1658-05-25 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0880 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Jan Theunissen Cuelenburgh for the pardon of a runaway sailor 1658-05-25 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0881 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order to commissary van Brugge not to enter any accounts in his books until they are audited 1658-05-25 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0882 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Commission of Cornelis van Ruyven to adopt proper measures for the arrangement of the public accounts 1658-05-25 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0883 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order to receiver-general not to pay any money except on the order of the director-general 1658-05-25 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0884 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of Resolved Waldron to be provost and deputy sheriff and his oath of office 1658-05-25 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0885 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Resolution that the director-general proceed to the Esopus 1658-05-28 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0887 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order to increase the pay of George Hanel, cadet 1658-05-28 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0888a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order on the petition of Michel Barckhuysen 1658-05-28 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0888b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order pardoning Severyn Lourens and permitting him to live on Long Island 1658-05-28 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0888c New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Paulus Schreck that an attachment which he sued out against the wages of Jean Paul Jacquet may be declared valid 1658-05-28 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0889 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Resolution to induce Egbert van Borsum to renew his lease of the Ferry to Breuckelen and to procure a ship for the conveyance of cattle 1658-05-28 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0890 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order allowing Paulus Leendertsen van der Grist time to advise Charles Gabry of certain law proceedings 1658-05-28 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0892 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Hendrick Ryken, skipper of the ship Sphera Mundi, for leave to purchase tobacco and beaver 1658-05-28 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0893 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Adriaen Post, agent of Mr. Van de Capelle, for an order to all his colonists to return to Staten Island 1658-05-31 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0895b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Letter from secretary van Ruyven to Jacques Corteljou 1658-06-14 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0894 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order for a writ of appeal in favor of Samuel Mahu vs. Nicholas Booth from a judgment of the city court 1658-07-01 NYSA_A1809-78_V08_0895a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)